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Everything posted by Sane

  1. Gamefaqs has dex drive saves, you can convert them for use with epsxe.
  2. Yep, you never need to change the settings in Discjuggler when you burn.cdi files, they are present in the image itself. If DJ likes your burner it's an excellent program.
  3. The only rip of Revolt I have seen is without music, I have the same one. This is an exception though, 95% of all DC games have the music in them.
  4. Moved to psx emulation section. As for your question, you have 2 options, you can use ePSXe for the best looking results, or Emurayden for an easy to use emu. ePSXe requires a lot of time to set up right and it's not very beginner friendly. Emurayden lets you configure nothing at all really, but it works good and all you have to do is insert a cd.
  5. He meant his Dreamcast has died, not Dreamcast in general . Anyway, I know how you feel, I had to experience that 3 times already, DC's aren't really built to last, especially the european ones .
  6. Or just use another emulator like ePSXe, that's made for psx games and it will run like a dream on that.
  7. Well firstly make sure not to use the gui version of CDI2Nero, but the old one. Secondly, don't use nero 6, stick with 5.5.x.x. If these 2 things don't apply then perhaps the game itself is corrupted, which would be no big loss since it's quite horrible .
  8. There's 2 options. One is to dld the Echelon VCD player, burn it and you can use it to watch your vcd's but be warned, the quality is horrible. If you can't find it, I have it somewhere so you can come and dld it off me in romster, but I wouldn;t advise it. The 2nd option is to buy a VCD player for DC. Lik-Sang has it for 25 bucks, it comes with a remote and a cd you use to boot up your vcd's. I heard it has good quality, but I don't have one myself so I can't garantee it . In general you would be better off just buying a 50 dollar DVD player really, those things support everything these days. Most will also support SVCD and mp3 and you'll get better quality than DC could ever provide, plus you don't tax your DC too much by watching movies on it.
  9. There is no final version, that beta you have is as good as it gets. There were 3 game specific bleemcast discs released (GT2, MGS and Tekken 3) which work very good, but they have never been properly ripped and the only way to play them is to buy them.
  10. 2003 is still on MVS hardware, 2004 will be the first one on Atomiswave. Edit: Hadn't seen Weird had pointed this out already
  11. Heh yeah I know, I like some of them though, brings back c64 memories . Eurasia had some really nice intros, great stuff.
  12. I don't know if you can do it with Kawaks, but you can always use Joy2Key, a great little program that lets you assign any keyboard key to a joypad .
  13. Amen. It's also the best PSX game, in fact it's one of the best games period. I'm Sega fanboy no. 1 but I bow down to the genius that is SotN .
  14. This is a known problem, I have the same thing when I try to play it on either ePSXe or Emurayden. It's disturbing it also won't run on PS2 though...maybe it has some sort of demonic copy protection .
  15. Nah all DC games were released like that, the e stands for echelon, the group that ripped the game.
  16. Mine was Meka, a really cool Master system emulator. I had just gotten internet and i was browsing around for some info because I had always wanted a master system. So I got to this site and there was a program I could use to play Master system games on my pc . I was like yeah right that will never work, but it did .
  17. Remember to enable joystick input in the default game options.
  18. Wow I didn't even know there were copies of Ikaruga that were not selfboot . Anyway, I'd just like to add that for booting REAL imports, not backups, cheatdevices like gameshark, Action Replay and Codebreaker also work excellent. I'm using Codebreaker at the moment since the other ones tend to boot some games in 50hz, and I hate 50hz, and it hasn't failed me yet. Oh and to boot real games in VGA mode that don't normally support it there's a trick you can do. It involves booting the game up with the VGA box set to TV uotput and then later switching, it doesn't work with all games and I don't know how to exactly do it, I'll find some info for you.
  19. Hmm I would recommend going on Direct Connect and download the game again from someone with a nice organised share, there are lots of different versions of this rom so you might want to ask the person about it before you download.
  20. http://www.c64.com/ is a really good c64 rom site.
  21. Try another bios, maybe yours is old. Try this one.
  22. version 0.9.9 beta 5 is the latest one.
  23. I asked around some more but all I got was a recommendation for another capture program, which does seem to be very good but it won't allow to do what you want, which seems in fact to be impossible. This is what someone told me who knows a lot about sprite ripping and graphic design: The capture program is Fraps btw, maybe you have it already but if not maybe you should try it, it seems very good.
  24. Well I asked around and the best answer I got was to use a program called Hyper Snap, it's basically an advanced screencapture program, I don't know if it will be helpfull.
  25. The best emulator is in my opinion Magic Engine, but it's not free so you will have to buy it or find a cracked one. A good alternative is Yame. Here's a site with some games .
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