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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Shibathedog

  1. another DC owner I dont think sales for the DC have ever gone down, seriously, I work at an EB games now (all the Gamestops went to crap around here) and We still sell the Dreamcasts, and we will get a shipment of like 100 DCs every month, When i was told this i was like what the hell, 100? i didnt think they sold that well. But within the first week they will pretty much all be gone, this one buy came in and bought like 30 of them right there in one visit. We dont even really have that many games for em, but we certainly have systems.
  2. one of my DCs is pretty close to quiet, but you DO hear it, while another one i swear you can hear down the fricken hallway, but they both work the same, some are just louder than others.
  3. yeah man, i just bought like 5 Sega saturns and a shitload of NES games at Salvation Army, that place rules.
  4. i like to make little sandiwiches out of cheeze-its and that canned cheese stuff, sometimes they are like 40 layers, its the best snack ever. Ok i seriously couldnt think of a way to reply to this, besides saying that, and suggesting that it hold 2 records 1. Best Snack Ever (maybe, i have some rivals for it...) 2. Biggest cheeze-it layerd sandwich
  5. ok for CDs, i get my shirt, and i rub the bottom in a circle motion while rotating the CD, it always works for carts, i take plain ol water, and Q-tips, wet the Q-tips, and furiously wipe the contacts with them really hard for really long. but actually in recent studies of mine, Windex seems to be the best cleaner for everything gaming related. Even got that mystery goo (it was RED mystery goo, and it tasted like cherrys, some got on my hand....perverts...) off my N64 no problem.
  6. on every one of my birthdays, me and my friends do something amazingly stupid, and get the cops called on us. this one time we ran into this crappy k-mart, and i was pulling my friend around on a wagon for like uhh little kids or something and running as fast as i could whipping around corners and we where both screaming, HELP US FIND OUR BRAINS!!!! and then the cops showed up so we ran away and when we hopped this fence we fell down the hill and into some drainage ditch and got all this crap all over us so we kept running and we hit in some house that was being built and stayed there for awhile, then we ran back to my house and got the cops called on us again for blowing up huge ass homemade fireworks so we went inside and played goldeneye on N64 and it was sweet. yeah...and in 2 months im turning 18, i wonder what we will do then. Goddamnit we are stupid, but we started this tradition when i was like 5, so maybe thats why its stupid...the tradition of acting as stupid as humanly possible...yeah.... if you think i act like that in everyday life, may god help your soul....
  7. no but really, the people in my school are so stupid.... I had this one teacher that was actually pretty cool, and he made fun of everyone in the class becuase he thought they where stupid too. Seriously, he said "Change the font to size 9" and someone replyed "Thats the size after Size 8 right?" and he would say things like "listen to me explain this so i only have to explain it 9 times instead of 14 times" and stuff like that. Oh god, Cisco is going to rule, NOT....so...many....morons.....but at least they actually find a job for you somewhere at the end of the year. And supposedly it makes lots of money and crap....which i need.
  8. I already passed 2 levels of Desktop publishing, Im getting my Cisco degree certificate whatever right now, and then im going to finish web design, and then blow away everything else computer related at my school. I seriously get yelled at in school because teachers are intimidated by me knowing so much about computers when they know jack. ph34r me. Seriously though, Computer classes are what keeps my grades up high, and makes up for my crapass math skills. Its not that im bad at math, i just really, really, REALLY DO NOT CARE how long the shadow is from the 15 foot flagpole....
  9. tomshardware has alot of interesting stuff like that on their site, pretty sweet site if you ask me, check it out...
  10. Uhh actually there wherent really any frame rate issues in the game at all unless you where exploiting a glitch (and it was pretty hard not to actually considering the amount of them) I think you mean Perfect Dark, that game had MASSIVE frame rate issues all the time, if you emulate it on the PC and look at the graphics, it looks like 20 times that of what you saw on the N64, their textures where waaaaay to high quality for the N64 i pretty much fixed the frame issue, but its still getting crap sound i have it on N64, but i want to play it on the PC.
  11. yeah, plus the real thing...is just...the real thing....you get that....feeling
  12. no i just tried to login because i thought i had an account (i email them asking for one or something, there was some promotional period i forget where you asked for them) and then it said my password was wrong, and it finally asked a secret question which i got wrong, and then it said it sent my password to an @aol.com address but didnt tell me the actually email address, it was weird....
  13. hey wow, it was lying to me, Shibathedog WASNT taken! bwahha, thanks alot man! ShibathedogREMOVEME@DELETEMEgmail.com (i dont want spam on my new email already)
  14. ah, that would make sense, well at least that means its shiny
  15. wait....liscense nazi's read this board....holy crap....uhh..ive posted alot of evidence against me i think....
  16. bah you just wait, im getting a GeForce 6800GT in a few months heh, that graphics card is more powerfull than a PC i have lying around thats running linux all day and doing pretty much nothing...its been on for like 4 years now...doing nothing...i dont even think theres a monitor hooked up to it, in fact i dont even know where it is anymore, its probably under a pile of crap....weird....
  17. I dont know how many of you know, but they are making a Fight Club game, based on the movie, took damn well long enough, maybe it will be good because it wasnt rushed for the movie release or anything. I like the movie, so i guess im excited about it even though there isnt really any info on it.
  18. meh someone send me one, someone took my alias, but i could still use it...
  19. that goatse cx is worse than tubgirl..i never thought there would ever be anything worse than tubgirl...
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