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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Shibathedog

  1. dont you have to be 21 to vote? because i turn 18 in 2 months, and if i could vote i guess i would
  2. what the hell? isnt that supposed to be some inspirational peice of crap movie? or am i thinking of something else?
  3. i ahve their 100th mag and first mag framed hehe that magazine simply rules, best PC magazine ever. AND COCONUT MONKEY LIVES!!! THEY WILL FINISH GRAVY TRADER!!
  4. ok before i commit to the download with my dialup, what is it?
  5. meh i dunno, their bashing of Driv3r was pretty fricken clear, then again, that might have been gamespy...ah well, i only trust IGN nowadays
  6. I am seriously about to rip this computer apart in frustration... Can someone help me getting Goldeneye to run right? so far 1964 has givin me the best results but i still get some frame rate lag and some sound skipping. its on my crappier PC, but its system specs seem good enough to me 2.4GHz, 64MB graphics card, 256MB DDR RAM...any other info needed just ask thanks in advance, i greatly appreciate the help
  7. haha dont worry it will be all over the internet in a few days i missed it, but i wanna see it now!
  8. i dont even remember them being that white when they where new (well actually i bought mine around the time the SNES came out, i got my SNES first)
  9. no no im sorry, there will never be a game that ruled so much, yet had so many glitches as Goldeneye for N64
  10. yeah ive read this a long time ago
  11. well im not new to anime, just naruto, and i hate Dragon Ball Z more than anything, sorry, but the random floating, grunting like your constipated for half the episode, and randomly battling in wide open spaces that came out of nowhere is just stupid.
  12. dont worry, they will ruin it by having Tom Cruise play charlie or something
  13. Well, dreamcast shouldnt techinically count but... Dreamcast (theres no possible way i can pick just 2) N64 - Goldeneye (ohhh those multiplayer moments) and Zelda: Ocarina Of Time rest are pretty much emulated on DC If Dreamcast Doesnt count.... N64 (same games) NES - Contra, Super Mario Bros 3....ok there has to be a third here... Smash TV....and a forth....River City Ransom..and...oh god the games that rule for that system dont end.
  14. I found a great auction on an NES on ebay, its not my auction, i would never sell my beloved NES so im not advertising. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...8127994553&rd=1 It seems like kinda a high price, but look at the NES! I dont think ive ever seen such a white NES!
  15. Does anyone know a good spyware/adware/ad free edonkey client thats pretty good? It seems Overnet has been shut down because its "out of date" and i cant find a new version anywhere (that works). thanks alot in advance
  16. hmm strange, some people have told me that they couldnt play quake on the official servers months ago, yet it was only a couple weeks ago it was shut down for me...where they talking about UK servers or something?
  17. i cant even think of anything to say as a reply to this, its 4AM here, so this is my last post of the...err...morning.... ill see you all tomorr.....later today!! (i think im an insomniac....oh well....)
  18. damn, thats pretty sweet! I beat DigDug a couple times heh and yeah i know how to not get eaten or whatever those ghosts do, but you cant really accumulate points faster or slower to a level where it matters
  19. Yeah, what about all those ones that went with the death of Sierra...
  20. manhunt is awesome, but silent hill 3 will keep you busy longer
  21. to someone who knows nothing about Naruto, reading this thread sounded pretty damn hilarious I need to start watching Naratu, it sounds cool
  22. how does it matter with a game like Pac-Man though? Your a freakin yellow circle that eats dots, and gets chased by ghosts, so as long as you dont get caught by a ghost, your going to be going at the same speed as everyone else
  23. Well, i lost many great gaming moments, a good online friend, and another great online Dreamcast game a couple weeks ago, dont know if you guys know but... Quake III Arena for the DC has been shut down, may it rest in peace... a few moments of silence please...*sniffle* as if this wasnt enough, my first Dreamcast seems to be dying...its just too much...*runs into corner and starts crying histericaly*
  24. it was GOING to have USB ports, and theres some kind of mod for the japanese DC that can give it USB ports, but i dont think anything would support them. And no, i havnt been able to actually find it, which is making me extremley mad. Then again, it was also GOING to have something like 6 or 7 controller ports or something it could all just be bullcrap
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