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Everything posted by Shibathedog

  1. YAY ITS TIME FOR SHIBA'S DEMENTED STORIES OF TRUE-NESS Ok so on 4th of july my neighbors being the usual biggest assholes possible that they are (seriously, you will never meet bigger asshole people than my neighbors) Brought seriously like 900+ dollars of fireworks up from ohio (because pretty much everything in michigan is illegal except fountains) They where over there with like 50 million other assholes from my nighborhood that dont even like the neighbors, in fact everyone in my neighborhood hates them (theyre still assholes though) they just figured hey, THEY can haul illegal fireworks over the border! ill just watch! Anyway, So theyre spoiled crap kid and them are over there setting off fireworks, and so am i, i had my friend over, and we where setting off our usual batch of homemade bombs and such. So they have those huge ass mortors right? Turns out our crappy homemade cake box was better than theire huge morters. Let me throw some data at you now Mortor: Cost: 50-250 dollars Time to make/get: 8+hours to ohio, 8+ hours back crappy Cakebox (probably our smallest device in fact) Cost: 5 bucks Time to make/get: 10 minutes So to put a long story short, Their little crap kid started to get jealus at all our cool fireworks and stuff that cost us about 25 dollars total, and kicked their crap's asses up and down the street. So the kid decided to launch a bottle rocket at us. Holy crap. I think to myself, Is this kid retarded? Im not going to show any mercy for this! So i throw something similar to an M-80 over his way. The kid being a retard stutters something like WHAT THE HELL YOU FA-FA-FA-FAGGOTS!!! (which we made fun of him for for the rest of the night) And he proceeds to launch his crappy fireworks at us, and then starts throwing those "M-88s" at us which he insists are larger than M-80s and legal ok an M-80 is about the size of a toilet paper roll, one of those "M-88s" that he buys are about the size of a pen cap, but twice as thick. Me and my friend are like, Ok This kid goes down right now. So we carefully aim this bottle rocket device we made right by him and light it. What this thing pretty much does, its shoots at about 90 miles an hour, spewing flaming peices of whatever all over the place behind it and then explodes spewing more flaming peices of crap. So what happens is just as the jackass walks in the street it shoots by him and explodes near the end of his yard, but he is rained on by flaming crap anyway. Me and my friend almost pissed ourselves as we saw the little crap and his asshole friends being rained on by flaming stuff and screaming for their precious 13 year old lives. Then theire parents get up off their lazy asses and yell at us, something about ending it now, and stopping it now. So we agree to stop. But their little craps proceed to keep doing it for about another hour, when we alert the parents, they insist we are lying. And these kids where throwing some pretty huge stuff at us by now. Holy crap was it on. I walk inside, Get my slingshot, and the biggest explosive we made, It didnt doo much but explode, but hell it was huge. We put the massive thing in my slingshot (it barely worked, this thing was almost the size of a can of baked beans) my friend lights it, and i land it rght in front og the kids. Holy crap it was awsome, it was like everything went in slow motion as the kids realized how huge the thing was and their faces lit up in terror as the thing exploded and they fell backwards. I swear to god i heard a window shatter. And their driveway turned almost entirely black, all the parents fell backwards in their chairs screaming as if someone had died, The little craps deserverd it. You know how you see movies and the action hero is covered in black crap and your like "you wouldnt look like that!" Holy crap did these kids look exactly like that. At this point The parents, AND their neighbor are yelling at us. The mom didnt even give us much crap. Just the neighbor. He was one of those White people who thinks their black type guys, heres how the conversation went. "YO BRO WHAT THE flock YOU THINK YOUR DOING?!?!?" "Uhh well they where throwing fireworks and crap at us, you expect us to just take that?" "DONT BE STARTIN STUFF DOG YOU BETTER NOT BE STARTING STUFF" "We didnt start anything considering they threw first" "YOUR flockING CRAZY BRO, YO KNOCK IT OFF DOG" "yeah, ok sure" We figured it was over now. But these stupid craps where STILL throwing fireworks at us! It was unbeleiveable!! I know at this point alot of you are probably like "Shiba you sick freak! Why would you do something like this!??" But seriously, you have to know these people to understand the level of stupidity they are at. Its not even explainable with words, you really have to know them. We werent even going to do anything back, we just decided we where done, we would set off the rest of our crap. and go to my friends and spend the night. So we had some stuff, and we where setting it off, and these kids where throwing crap at us, we where just ignoring it. Eventually all we had was these little mini bomb thingers, and we where sticking them in the sewers in stuff (haha, it gets like 20 times as loud and sounds like a giant barrel exploding) Eventually we got bored with them and started flinging them with the slingshot down the road. Then we start throwing them in the road. whatever. At some point in time, one of them lands in the yard across the street, this is where one of my best friends lives, and my neighbors even knew that, so i knew he wouldnt care. BUT, my neighbor had an excuse to biatch didnt she? So she comes stomping into my yard. Rings my doorbell, and starts yelling at my mom. My mom, knowing how these people are. Slams the door. I was just utterly amazed, my parents are the kind of people who dont let you get away with anything like this. It was just pure awsomeness. So as she walks back into her yard twice as pissed, we laugh at her and point just to piss her off more Yeah, these are the kind of people that dont even know what 4th of july is, they just use it as an excuse to spend money and prove to everyone else they they are better then you and fail miserably, kinda like they do on other holidays for their stupid kid. No wait, they buy him crap whenever he wants it. If someone says something is cool. You can be assured he will have it the next day. Whatever, i cant explain their crap with words. Long story short - Best 4th of July Ever
  2. Actually you can still get free phone calls in places that accept Pulse dialing instead of the more modern Tone dialing I forget exactly how to do it, you pretty much set the phone to Pulse and press that hang up button thing in the right sequences for certain numbers. Im not a geek, im just a pyro who got bored one day and read the entire Anarchist Cookbook
  3. heh, yeah, hopefully ill have more time soon, it seems once i resolve one issue, another comes up My advice? DON'T move, its too much work, at least for my lazy self
  4. Good Job, this guy makes a movie, and does it to get his POINT ACROSS, not to be a greedy asshole and make money. Anyone who is into anything for just the money pisses me off. Im going to actually pay for his movie, and pirate all the others just because he did that.
  5. This is hard for me because i play so many FPSes i might as well be a fat 30 year old who lives in his moms garage who trys to find decent servers on gamespy while knocking over a plate of momma's freshy microwaved hot pockets and burning himself causing him to swing his arm around and knock the computer screen into the garage door which then falls off its crappy rusted hinges and kills him. okay maybe its not that bad, but i do play alot of them. Lateley its been Red Faction, Rainbow Six 3, Command and Conquer Renagade, Counter-Strike (holy crap, i have never played a game online with so many goddamn whiners, yeah, i probably suck compared to alot of people, but boo hoo, i dont start spamming the room and screaming in my headset making rediculous claims to why i lost), Max Payne 2 (with FPS mod, if that counts), Duke 3D, Serious Sam, and some other various games. If anyone wants to play me in any FPS, send me a PM or something, chances are i own it.
  6. Its time i once again apoligize for my extreme absense here at the forums, there has just been alot of crap going on in my life right now, a death in the family, the constant delay of the move, all the house showings, all the work involved, etc. Ill continue to pop in when i can, and i cant wait to be back full time
  7. Anyone remember EarthSeige 2? Kicked Mechwarrior 2s ass up and down the street!! Kings quest was also sweet, remember that mocking bird in the one game? thing musta had 200 insults built in!! Seirra Ruled, This is very sad and a big loss, kinda like when Apogee died (well, they kinda just became 3D Realms, but you know what i mean)
  8. phew my random showing up and helping everyone with their DCs didnt get mentioned
  9. that stuff happens to me sometimes, and i dont mind when people have cell phones, just when people whine that their cell phone "sucks" because "all it does is make phone calls" THATS WHAT ITS FOR...ug It happens to me in a way where its not like being old, like we would be talking about something that happened last year. And the green and black monitors, yeah those where cool, remember the diarrhea brown and black ones? hah
  10. Actually i think they where in some kind of mess with some company that developed some kind of protection for DVDs because in some version of the software (dont remember which version) when you tried to copy it, it would say you couldnt copy the Disc because of legal issues with *insert company name here* But i think that was a long time ago, that was my theory on why it was shut down before i saw Gamecop's post
  11. I have this extra PC and i want to make it better without spending money! it has a 2.4 GHz Celeron and some 64MB Intel graphics card which i want to overclock, can someone tell me how?
  12. i can do it no hands, its sweet, i love my pogo stick, its black and green and pink! w00t!!
  13. i like spicy food alot, sounds like you ate a habejero, which arent even that hot i think, hehe i eat all kinds of crazyness, like that new ub3r hot daves insanity with wasabi and those crazy looking peppers that are nicknames "Mexican Death Peppers"
  14. yeah, try one of those tape cleaner magiggers, or just get a new one, its all color coded nowadays...
  15. haha, they do that in alot of places, when they start doing that, since you cant possibly be more embarrasing, just shout something stupid, such as... I ONLY CAME TO EAT HERE TO CELEBRATE MY SEX CHANGE!!
  16. See! All because of AOL these morons have to invade the internet, the one place i used to be able to go to escape these morons in real life DOWN WITH AOL
  17. No one said Bungie i dont think, holy crapola! BTW i would also like to work for ID
  18. Due to another hyper rampage type thing and a misfortunate typo, i whipped out photoshop and spawned this! I remember someone saying they hated Joes Crab Shack here (or was it church's chicken?) so i decided to post it whatever...no one cares.... post your undying gratitude and reasons i should be worshipped related comments below....or maybe just that i have no life or something.... (yeah, im probably going insane right now with all the crap going on in my life, this is a pitiful attempt to make myself happy)
  19. Sega or Konami, in fact, thats what my aim is, im studying in college and stuff for the right requirements to get a job there doing what i want yeah and on all my career test things i actually got Video game Developer as number 1 on all of them, cool huh?
  20. hmm, maybe, or theres this big hill behind the kroger......
  21. yeah, there just that special something about games that isnt there anymore and i think it MIGHT be able to come back if companies got it through their head that WE DONT WANT UBER REALISM AND AWSOME GRAPHICS WE WANT FUN GAMES!! HINT HINT!! SOMEONE PLEASE PICK UP ON THIS!! I like to refer to it as arcade style, because theyre usually not realistic at all, but their fun as hell, and you could sit there forever popping in quarters without getting frustrated at all cept they dont use quarters heh
  22. ive already thrown things at cars on video, its not as funny as you would think, me and my friends have a show similar to the show jackass that we make for fun, but its different in 3 ways 1. its alot more original 2. its actually funny 3. its really really funny all the time, and not just sometimes
  23. yeah i stil have all these games memorized Ive been on an old games craze, bringing back all the memories, and theres a 90% chance im going to give up modern gaming altogether, i think the old ones rule way more than new ones, plus this costs ALOT less
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