ok that eliminates spending 750 bucks on a processor then im going to go with 1024MB 500MHz DDR, and the AMD64 3200+, i have 400 dollars now, and ill have another 100 tomorrow, and you wont beleive how!! My stupid kiss ass dumbflock neighbor is probably the most retarded neatfreak shithead gossip ever to walk the face of the earth, BUT i mooch off her pickyness!! There are all these trees in her backyard which arent good enough for her and she wants them gotten rid of!, being the dumbass that she is, she thinks it would cost like 3000 dollars to pay some people to come get rid of them, SO, i am getting paid 100 dollars a day to chop em down! (of course im delaying though ) They are these stupid Sumac weed trees that while over 3 inches thick, i could break with my bare hands, even the 6 inch thick+ huge ones. But who wants to do that? Everyday i run out there with a hatchet and a chainsaw, and scream and chop and go mental with flying bits of tree and liquid from the trees and red see seeds flying EVERYWHERE, all over me, the house, the yard, even the road over the hill in teh backyard. Im getting PAID to go mental with hatchets and chainsaws!! woo!!! Its like a bloody mess of trees!! I walk in teh house covered in tree chunks!! Mindless destruction+pay=heaven BTW its probably quite a site to look out your window and see me going mental with a chainsaw on trees ROFL