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Posts posted by Shibathedog

  1. well i got that overnet thing, and it hate it allready, 1, i enter a serial and it doesnt seem to do anything, and the other, is no matter what file i get, no matter what the availibility, it sits there and says "looking" and its been like that for 20 minutes, flock that!!!


    someone give me a serial or something that works, or tell me why my stupid overnet isnt working, i think it IS registered because there are no ads at the top


    Antiwinner is the one who posted the link to it by the way

  2. some games are really weird and if you boot them with a jumper pack in then the game would do that, if you have any of those in take them out, i forget what games they where specifically, my friend evan had some of those games


    also it could have been heat, it could have been dirty, or she could have been bumping into it like a clumsy ass while playing DDR (lol just kidding) or something could have caused the GD-ROM to go out of alignment, look at the guide i wrote, its stickied in this forum.


    try one of those CD cleaners that has the bristles in the CD, or look at my DC cleaning guide (also stickied)

  3. its all because of those damn Playstation Generation gamers


    with their soul-less games.....WHO CARES about the graphics or your crappy new need for speed underground, you are NOT a badass for playing a game where you act as a badass.....stupid people....dont even get me started on the XBox biased people...graphic whores...


    YOU NEED GAMING SOUL DAMNIT!!!!! it pisses me off, i had one of those people at my house once, they see me playing METAL SLUG 3!! and they say, without even playing it, Ha that game sucks, look at its crappy graphics...it was so hard to not strangle the kid.....

  4. Update number 3!!


    We have been analyzing the driver for the HDD for windows and trying to convert it to NES code, also weve tryed making drivers from scratch


    so far weve gone through 47 different variations of the driver, and nothings working :lol:


    we have everything done except getting the NES to recognize the HDD, once that works we should be set!!


    Were thinking maybe re-wiring the HDD to the NES might work, but where pretty sure we have the cables matched up right

  5. www.consolesource.com


    Get teh latest Magic Chip, its the best, but requres the most soldering, tehy have a nice little chart displaying the features of all the modchips there so look at that to see what you need

  6. This really works, ive been doing it since...well, since the US servers died :( and i figured its time to reveal it to this great forum :lol: Forget all those PSO hackers and Hacked PSO images that are such a pain in the ass to find, use this!!


    Step one: Buy/Download and burn a EUROPEAN version of PSO 1 or 2


    Step two: Buy/Download and burn a Boot disc for Imports


    Step three: Set up your ISP settings on your DC (if you need them, PM me and ill send you an account)


    Step four: Put boot disc in, then swap for PSO game (if you downloaded it, its probably hacked to not need a bootdisc, if you dont need one, dont use it)


    Step five: Play PSO online


    Its seriously that easy....doesnt it rule? hehe


    Happy PSO-ing!!!!

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