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The TeamPlayer

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Everything posted by The TeamPlayer

  1. You just need to frame advance and snap. Frame advance and snap. Repeat until you get a cajillian sprites ripped. And you are not annoying me. Alexis I only use the shots factory with roms so I don't know about those rom graphics altering programs. I know you can alter some PS1 isos so that the Backgrounds are disabled. Violence to save you trouble later don't forget to count the # of ticks per frame on an animation while cycling through the different animations. Everytime you push frame advance is a tick. I made that mistake the 1st time I ever ripped. And basically had to do it all again.
  2. MCM is only supposed to be found on MGBR's site. Mugen programs are made by mugen fans. Although it was nice to see an alternative for Zcharcad but no dice
  3. I doubt they have permission to host these programs. They are direct linking to MGBR's MCM program. Not good.
  4. These are the SNK buttons. Button ABC and D.Pushing buttons A or B toggle through the different animations. Pushing buttons C or D changes what character is in the center of the screen. So if you want to rip Iori you need to pick him as player 1. Use the C or D button to toggle through the different debug characters until you get to Iori. Since you picked Iori his palette will be correct and not messed up. Remember that you can't use the ABCD buttons to toggle the debug character unless you hold the select button. Yeah you can make it full screen. You'll just have to use trial and error. You can select Blink Selected to see what you will remove before you remove it. Also whenever you frame advance sometimes you will lose pieces of the sprites. They move around during animation so you will have to check and uncheck boxes quite a bit in some instances. You don't have to have PCXclean it's just a quick way to apply a palette to all sprites. I do have the program if you want it though. And Paintshop is a necessity.
  5. http://xgargoyle.mgbr.net/tutorial/ Xgargoyle has made a very good tutorial for ripping from SNK games. This should answer most if not all of your questions. If you have any other questions let me know.
  6. That is a program that helps you create for mugen. That is not the mugen program itself.
  7. http://mugenguild2k.free.fr/forum/index.php This is where most ppl new to mugen go. Be sure to read all the rules and such you will learn alot about mugen. If you need any assistance or have any questions feel free to ask me. I am Agent Smith there(normally Dreamslayer but not lately) Mugen basically allows you to create almost anything in a fighting game. It is the greatest program around if you like fighters. http://www.elecbyte.com/ is normally where you can get mugen but it has been down alot lately. If you still seem to have trouble finding mugen PM me and I will hook you up.
  8. I bought mine for 200 BUCKS w00t!!! But it is still my favorite console. Until SNKP hits the PS2 with all there upcoming releases. Now all I need is some SF3, SFAlpha, and some PowerStone and PS2 is the new champion.
  9. There are different emulation methods joy2key will use. To your right there should be the words Joysticks and Others. Click Others. You have the option of changing the emulation method and whether or not it uses X/Y axis while emulating.
  10. Oh that wasn't a cop, that was uncle Billy!!! Looks at his PC now crap
  11. It's okay for games without screenpacks I suppose. But if the game has a screenpack and names have to be in particular areas then it screws you over. I prefer typing them myself.
  12. You can google around and find a program called spritemaker. The dos version is out there somewhere, I found it once. Or you can go the easy way and use one of these 2 programs. -Mugen Character Maker -Mugen Edit Ensemble Of the two MEE has the least bugs. The program I use is called ZCharCad, but I don't know where to find it now either Hope this helps you out.
  13. KOF 2003 will have a new fighting system. A system more like the marvel vs series. You tag and your team captain gets more abilities, plus there is more air comboability.
  14. I think RPGs, shooters(halo), and sports games suck. If you think about it games in general are pointless. The only games I always come back to are 2d fighters and 2d side scrollers. Mega Man, Mario, and Sonic. I respect your opinion that you do not like the genre but many people do. Ah death to all games who cares? Me I will look forward to this KOF just like I have everyone in the past. And for all in the US the next half year looks very good for fighting game fans. King of Fighters 2000/2001- 12/10 SVC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom- 2/11 $49.99 King of Fighters 2003- 3/16 $39.99 Metal Slug 3- 4/16 King of Fighters 2002- 5/16 $39.99 Samurai Showdown 5- 6/16 39.99 Metal Slug too baby!!! SNKP will get SO much money from me!!!
  15. Well since problems seemed to get solved in this thread as well... For some reason whenever I open the cheat while playing SVC in kawaks it only shows cheat #0. I cannot select any other cheats. I figured it was because I was using kawaks 1.45 at first so I tried 1.46... same result. If I try to reload the cheat file it crashes kawaks. My friend has a worse problem, if he sets Kawaks to load the cheat folder it crashes his kawaks.
  16. Personally I love the game. For starters it's a new fighting game and that is rare to begin with. The game to me feels old school, kinda like SF2. Companies seem to never make old school fighters, (well any fighters lately). Plus I prefer the cast of characters more on this than the CVS games had. Last but not least this game is a great Mugen resource. Mugen creators can make alot from this. Me I am making a new Demitri
  17. For some reason whenever I open the cheat while playing SVC in kawaks it only shows cheat #0. I cannot select any other cheats. I figured it was because I was using kawaks 1.45 at first so I tried 1.46... same result. If I try to reload the cheat file it crashes kawaks. My friend has a worse problem, if he sets Kawaks to load the cheat folder it crashes his kawaks.
  18. Because Dreamcast is still not emulated yet. Not publically.
  19. for which emulator ??? I found it back on page 11. Was looking for the kawaks version.
  20. Sorry if I missed it, this thread has shot up to like 13 pages now Has the cheat file to unlock the bosses been posted here yet?
  21. Gouken replace all of Kawaks version 1.45 with the file I gave the link to then dbl click Spawn's head.
  22. http://www.vtr.net/%7Eismaelgb/kofchile/ro...s/svckawaks.zip Here is the altered Kawaks link. EDIT: I wasn't referring to you as guest, that message was for others, just in case I confused you. My apologies.
  23. Gouken, give me a little longer and I will send you a link. Only Usefull ppl that ask for a link will get one. So if you are a mere guest or spammer I'll check your post and see. Muahahahaha! Right now I am uploading it.
  24. The rom is out. It works on WinKawaks right now.
  25. Besides that when emulation is slow, I would assume that an EMU forum would be slow. There's only so many times that "Where can I find (insert rom here)" can be usefull
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