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The TeamPlayer

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Everything posted by The TeamPlayer

  1. The winmugen in the sticky I posted comes with the limit patch already installed. Did you make sure you got the one from Mugen Dev?
  2. The bandwidth problems are do to the people that he steals from eating it up. I know 4 people that download every day just to do that
  3. Another problem is they steal the rips from other people without even crediting.
  4. Probably in partly in thanks to my donation > =P
  5. Try the many sound plugins they have here. http://www.shinmugen.net/dev/index.php?showforum=15 You have to register though
  6. Uh okay I have to go back a bit on this thread. Although I do not intend on changing any views on this shortsighted character I have this cringing urge to reply and attempt to do so. You know these people are family to others over seas. Noone and I mean noone is more important than any other life. These people have been tortured already you say, so that is a good reason for the US to do it too? You know to help them be free we must torture those that would oppose. What are they opposing? Seeing other Iraqis (family, friends) being slaughtered and tortured from people that say they are trying to free them but just want the oil. With your line of thinking you would be one of those in the pound if you was over there. If you was here and people came in here to "free" you and they accidently killed or tortured your dog or mother you would be in that cell too. But I would not care because I am in another country and too worried about just me and what makes the world spin around me alone. The actions they do to you have no effect on me so why should I care? I would give it to my mother. I personally know my mother. I see her. I owe her. In this instance I would be biased. Now if my kidney would save many more people that would be a tough choice and I may have to lean away from her. And I do get it. Since you do not know these people there fate is of no concern to you. Fellow USAian strangers are more important than other strangers because they were born or happen to live in the same country. It is inhuman not to care about torture on anyone. I do not want to imagine torture.
  7. http://www.mugenguild.com/forumx/index.php?board=22.0 This has a bunch of tutorials and programs to assist you. Especially read the FAQs. SPRMaker, SNDMaker, and MEE are about the best programs you can use. Chloe's Mugen Maker has both Sprmaker and sndmaker in it.
  8. If I was not such a 2D fighting game fanboy I would probably have to rent this game before buying it do to the turn button. Ah well I have to support the making of 2d fighters so I gotta pay for there mistakes too.
  9. The latest Dos came out when I discovered it in 2001.
  10. Hell, no. There is an over-saturation of titles as it is. In the good old days, it used to be that even winning a mid-card title like the IC title was a big deal and the mid card division was as exciting to follow as the World title. Think Randy Savage v Ricky Steamboat, Bret Hart v Mr Perfect, Bret Hart v Bulldog, Ultimate Warrior v Rick Rude, Bret Hart v Roddy Piper. I could go on and on.....but today, what has the IC title been reduced to? Just another means for plot advancement and the plots aren't even that damn great. You hit it right on the head. IMO the IC title was actually better than world title reigns in most cases. In concurrence with the classics you said the Rock and Stone Cold wouldn't be much without the IC title. Edge is such a loser... As for the problem with the world champions Smakdown is doing well since they are basically nothing but new blood there. Eddy and JBL are great. This is the 1st gimmick I have ever liked for Bradshaw, I hope he keeps that belt abit longer. Raw has too many of the big names so they are kinda like WCW used to be where it is tougher for the newblood to get over. (I said KINDA like WCW, at least on Raw new blood CAN get over =P) They just don't have many people I would want to see champion there. I prefered it when there was 1 World champion that was on both shows. Now that was entertaining. Taker rocked with that one
  11. Orton is one of my favorite wrestlers. My ONLY objection to him gaining the title as fast as he did is that he did not go through a good face period. I feel a wrestler should prove he can play both roles well BEFORE gaining the title. But if he is going to turn face then maybe it will not be too bad. I am sure he could pull it off. And what is all this talk about too many gimmicks nowdays? o_O I guess everyone that is thinking back to the old days forgets Taker dying a few times. Kane shooting Lightning. People getting kidnapped, Taker vs Taker, Birdman, Goldust stories, etc... I might agree about the Macho Man from the pics shown. But you must not remember the Macho Man when he returned to WCW with Sid and Gorgous George. That Macho would mess Orton up! OOOOHHH YEAH! And the Kane gimmick is not odd. Reminds me of the time Brian Pillman won Goldust's wife from him. I bet that in the end Lita really liked Kane better anyway and is going for a heel turn. The new Diva that wins could be a replacement face. Not that it matters since IMO Trish and Molly are the only good Diva's there are.
  12. After posting this on here and the Guild it is unanimous. Everyone prefers the SFA3 combo system. I appreciate everyone that gave there input. And that people like Final Fantasy EDIT: This is small text?
  13. Which combo system would you prefer on a Street Fighter Alpha character released on Mugen? (even if you are not a mugen fan I am interested in your thoughts) The Street Fighter Alpha 1: combo chain system. The Street Fighter Alpha 2: basic combo system with custom combos. The Street Fighter Alpha 3 (A-ism): basic combo system plus greater juggle abilities. If you wish to explain why I would like to hear that as well.
  14. Odd are you sure that the cfg file is not read only? Also there is a choice to save the options configurations. As for the fix I do not know. I only have a select few characters I use from other creators and I use DosMugen for them. I only use LinMugen for my own WIPs. Maybe someone that has it here can send it to you.
  15. You can just go into the options while Mugen is running and set the controls from there. Just pick keyboard and go down the list pushing the buttons on the controller you wish to correspond with that action.
  16. I was already working on Linux Mugen before this came out. It is true creators are moving. Linux Mugen is superior to Dos. We can make better characters with Linux Mugen.
  17. I don't think there is a limit.Electrocade has over 3,000 of each in his. Some aspects of coding in screenpacks and in stages are different in Win/LinMugen compared to Dos Mugen. Yes but you may have to alter other things such as the player select cursor, the size of the character boxes and the big portrait positions if you want it to look well. Yes but you will have to recompile the sff correctly. Where the hell did you read that? o_O =P Your mugen will last as long as your PC works.
  18. From the Docs Please read the Docs before asking obvious questions like these
  19. The color problem is not a problem. Well not with mugen it isn't. This is an updated version of mugen. It handles sprites differently than Dos Mugen does. The good thing is that now a programmer can add over 256 colors to a character if he or she chooses. The bad news is that most creator's did not care to make the sff's correctly when creating there characters. They did not care that Linux mugen handled the files differently and now all the creations made like that are messed up in WinMugen. Since WinMugen is a direct port of Linux Mugen. The same goes for slight tweaking (improving) of the coding and air files. All the old stuff doesn't work as well do to the it not being supported in Linux Mugen. You can go to the link in the WinMugen sticky and find many ways to correct these things.
  20. You trying to make me look bad Junior Chillage? =P Yeah I should have posted that stuff >_< darn late night lack of thinking
  21. What do you wish to know?
  22. For the canon story to Street Fighter you should check out Tiamat's plot guide. You can find it hosted at Fighter Mania The story can get a bit unorthadox at times O_o
  23. Mugen Dev has a few programs that help fix certain parts of characters. I think just the sff. But if you want to try to fix other parts of characters you can ask there. They have a board dedicated to WinMugen and the person that "fixed" WinMugen goes there as well. The link is in the sticky topic called WinMugen. And anything that works on WinMugen will work on Linux mugen.
  24. Go to the sticky topic called WinMugen. Register at that forum and get the version there. Also if you have any problems you can look for the answers there and/or ask.
  25. DS stands for DreamSlayer [/notfunnyspam] Maybe after it comes out the GBA will go down so I can get 2 of them for Zelda The four swords
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