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The TeamPlayer

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Everything posted by The TeamPlayer

  1. Technically you do not need to direct link off anyone's server that is not yours. But for mine I will not mind it. If I did I could have edited it. I did edit the 1st gif of Alex and Hugo so that instead it will suck bandwidth from my server and not Joram's. But from now on I want you to not direct link from other people's servers. You can mine but don't over use that privelidge either.
  2. Nice to see you direct linking to images off my server -__- And if creator = EX-Inferis then creation = bleh. I wish he would listen to the creators that want to help him instead of ignoring huge flaws that his characters have...
  3. You only use Mugen to play with and test your characters. You edit the cfg, air, cns, def, and cmd files with a text editor. You edit the sff file with MEE, sffextract, and/or sprmaker. You edit the snd with MCM, MEE, ZCharCad, and/or sndmaker. You edit pals and sprites with photoshop and/or paint shop pro. I think I remembered all formats As for making a game like Final Fight... you may want to start with the basics first. Take KFM and play with his programming. A Final Fight game will be more difficult as you will have to make it it's own game and not universal like most mugen creations are. My suggestion is to read all the docs and tutorials you can, play around with different characters (especially Kung Fu Man) and go to Mugen forums if you need assistance as you will be bound to get moare help at them. 2 great forums to check out are http://mugendev.shinmugen.net/ and http://www.mugenguild.com/forum/index.php Both have help sections and tutorials.
  4. 1st GGXX reload from arcade to PC now Melty Blood from PC to arcade I am glad this series is catching on. http://www.gamespot.com/news/2004/07/15/news_6102347.html credits Ash2k4-Team MANIAK
  5. No ripping tools for this one yet? Besides maybe the recording.
  6. This is not illegal. It is Fan Art. Just like the wallpapers that are made. And the term illegal for this game is incorrect as well. I think he meant it was illegal regarding mugen ethics and the rules of this board I have never known any mugen creator that did not credit the company they were ripping from. And also that company gets paid for the work. The creator gets nothing for his time. Is it too hard to respect the fact he wanted to share the work? With your logic I can take credit for the Wallpapers in the art section of this forum because most of the work is already done before they are made. That would be really disrespectful to the person that took the time to make and share it would it not? Now there are some people like me that think kinda the same way you do. If I make something I want it to be enjoyed by anyone and everyone. I create for myself for my own enjoyment thus I do not care if someone takes works I have made that took me months to make. You can even say you made it yourself it does not effect me. Although I would think someone that would actually do that would be quite low. Out of respect to the individuals that take there time to do this it is not a big deal to ask for permission and credit that person. There are not many laws on the net for fanart usually if anyone shows something that they make they risk it being stolen. But these ethics are to try to teach people how to respect different cultures and mindsets. Not everyone thinks like me and I respect there wishes. As I hope others will.
  7. All my edits are free to be used and so are my rips. But I surely understand why someone would not want there time simply stolen like that. I always ask and give credit before I use something someone else took time to show.
  8. Here are the answers to most of the ethics mugen follows. http://www.mugenguild.com/forum/index.php?...y;threadid=6730 Capcom replied. SNK never did. Only one company has ever said they did not want mugen conversions of there characters and that was the company theat made Queen of Hearts. They only told creators not to create from that game. Thus they are not allowed at The Mugen Guild forum.
  9. I found it a LONG time ago when I was needing to rip from some of the King Of Fighter games. I couldn't find anywhere to get any of the roms and stumbled on this site. Never thought I would be a regular at that time thus the reason why I did not log in with the usual name.
  10. As long as they get aired. I love that show. And having two box sets to represent it's entire life span just does not cut it.
  11. Is this the new ones they were suppossed to be making? Or seasons 1-3 as usual?
  12. Yeah I see you are having a tough time there. What you need to do is make a new topic for the question you are asking. The topic you are asking the question in does not have anything to do with character limits. You have to be more careful at dev that the Mugen Guild. They seem to ban quicker there. And I am not a moderator there so I have no influence. Just pay attention to what they are telling you and you will be fine.
  13. Can no one behave there?
  14. quoted from admin from me admin me Looks like unless you cannot see the forum due to the ban I can do nothing, sorry.
  15. I thought this meant you was not banned >_< What was your username?
  16. Ah yeah that I know whom all you are probably referring too. I apologize for there actions and promise you the staff does not promote that type of behavior. We have cracked down on that and there is now a junk section so if someone wants to insult they can do it there. If they insult outside of that area or spam they will be warned. If anybody calls you a Noob there or anything else insulting be sure to use the report to moderator option and I will take care of it.
  17. http://www.shinmugen.net/dev/index.php?showtopic=2127
  18. I hate Hob Goblin too. I am hoping that if he is a focused villain in the next film that Spidey gets a symbiote suit to assist him.
  19. Oh what happened? I am a moderator there so if it was some misunderstanding we can get you unbanned. Are you banned at mugenguild.com too?
  20. Yep and the mirror is on my server (cheap yet on topic plug) www.NewWaveMugen.com It would be a more effective plug if I would finish the site >_<
  21. http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=7406 This is the topic that Alexis was referring to. He gives the same site I gave and yes there are 2 versions of Linux mugen on that site. However the final release is not. The ones on that site do have survival mode though. The last release can be found here. http://sunnyworld.free.fr/ This was just recently put on this site so I don't want any rant about "Why didn't you post that 1st. You killed the dinosaurs with your actions" stuff.
  22. The administrator generally has to make you one. Although some forums have the option of post counts making you increase rank as far as moderation. But as far as I know this forum does not use this feature. I hope this helps you understand how a moderator is made.
  23. http://unofficial-winmugen.jpn.org/about.htm WinMugen is the norm now so direct link to the site
  24. Hey does anyone know where I can find Gerbilsoft ROM Hacking Studio? I have googled alot and all sites I come to seem to be dead. I think I can use this to acquire sprites easier from Dreamcast games.
  25. Yep this is just a packaged mugen game. These two creators may leave if they find out it is being linked to in many places. Warusaki3 and Tin. Tin already took his stuff down once because of this. He put some of it back up. Those are the only two authors I recognize. You can find links to these characters, stages, and screenpacks actual sites at The Mugen Guild Site Tin's site is here and Warasuki3's site is here. The Mugen Guild site is finally being updated too. The webmaster Nunor has returned, and Valodim the person hosting the site has given Kung Fu Man the pass to help update the site too. I am hosting the pics on my server since the BW was too much for Val's. So if you see any dead links be sure to tell us at the forum. EDIT: Press escape.
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