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The TeamPlayer

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Everything posted by The TeamPlayer

  1. With XDK could I get shots from Marvel vs Capcom 2, Capcom vs SNK 2, and Mortal Kombat 5 you think? *Wishes I could find a Dev Kit*
  2. Does anybody know if there are any programs that can take shots or record video/images while playing? To download onto XBox of course.
  3. Seung Mina is all I need for this movie to be a hit for me
  4. In system.def you will add name.def to the intro area. example Both the.def and.sff go into your data folder with your system.def... Your mp3 will go into the sound folder. Go to the Data folder like earlier... open Mugen.cfg There are video options there...
  5. Well I have not yet started working on any endings or intros myself yet. But from looking at the docs it seems kinda similar to making a BG or a Title screen. My recomendation is reading the docs thoroughly. Take an already created ending and alter it. Understand how it is made so you yourself can do the same. And if you are familiar with flash KingTigre created a tutorial to make a flash intro for Mugen. http://mi.mgbr.net/ Also maybe you should try using MCM, MEE, or Zcharcad to assist in the creation of this ending.
  6. http://www.zophar.net/psx2.html I had not heard of this... any info?
  7. Ah let them talk anout the stolen chars they are having fun with. As long as no links with stolen material appear I see no harm in it. Mostly gamers here climhazzard, I won't censor there playing discussions ^ ^ Fight Elque he will mess you up!
  8. Are you using the arrow keys for your directions? If so for some reason it will not work. Try using different buttons besides the arrow keys.
  9. Yeah you could make one but SF and MK don't go together well at all... Not unless you want to use SF the Movie chars I don't know of anyone that made one either... sorry. You could simply dl and add SF and MK chars to your own mugen though.
  10. Did you see the riddle? Also he has 2 other chars with passwords. [bighead]I helped make sprites for one of them [/bighead] Anyway Iron don't like ppl to give hints other than what he gave in the riddle. I never tried to solve this one but I solved was Clara. I don't even have Ryuji and he is the one I helped with
  11. Try a mp3 instead of midi... I cannot use midi's in mine but mp3's work fine.
  12. Maybe. No. In fact I am very worried they may really be gone for good. I sent them a donation a few months back that they never clamed... I have done so again recently. It is still unclaimed. http://www.angelfire.com/comics/dreamslaye...er/elecbyte.gif Hopefully we will hear something in April, that is the month new versions of mugen usually come out.
  13. Noone knows for sure. In June we will know because that is when the domain name comes up for renewal. It is rumored that the hacked versions of Mugen that were released made them quit but it is still not certain. The last message they left was the project had hit a snag.
  14. Nice to know the title got you to read the rules 1. Do not post a link to any creation that has "stolen" materials such as sprites, sounds, code, etc taken from another creator without permission. 2. Do not link to any warehouses. (Sites that have mugen creations hosted without permission.
  15. Yes mugen games are free... you can do pretty much whatever you want with them in your home.
  16. No it will not. Xbox does not have the proper hardware or software to run mugen.
  17. My friend has this problem with Kawaks... everytime we try to load it up it crashes with an (unknown) error. If I make it so the program does not try load the cheats it works fine. What may be causing this?
  18. Try decreasing your screen colors to 256 before playing and tell me if that fixes it.
  19. I have to agree that capcom is lazier. At least SNK is still releasing new fighters... even if they do reuse stuff.
  20. Hacking the program may be the reason the website is dead. Some beta testers to WinMugen hacked it a bit and released it before it was finished. So winmugen is out but you can't even play your characters on it because it is not done Elecbyte specifically said noone should alter there program and everybody knows leaking a beta is REALLY low. Not to mention it breaks copywrite law to modify the mugen program. I hope something really bad happens to those leakers and anybody that hosts that leaked pirate piece of crap
  21. Want wings? Click here.
  22. Give me the ability to alter reality. I said gimme.
  23. Go into a chat room... I saw "I am creator of Insane Hiryu 14 replies" I think "wow alot of ppl thought IH was awesome!" Now I see it is you two Anyway glad you could make it to the forum to make up for posting your Welcome post in the wrong area you should give these guys the link to the new IH 1st EDIT: reads title again... you egomaniac j/k
  24. You could always get a good video card to connect your PC to your TV like I do. Mugen on tv = priceless. Actually with me my tv has a PC port but it would be cheaper for you to go the other way
  25. Who is TDS??? Quit following me!!!
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