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Darkhadou X

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  1. I've been trying to connect 1 gamepad and 1 keyboard to winmugen but it seems winmugen wants 2 controllers, why can't I play with a keyboard and a gamepad ? Help is very much appreciated
  2. Thanx guys, I managed to fix it, it was a DXMode problem had to reinstall Direct X 9.0c
  3. The scanlines don't affect the colour cos' the problem occured the first time i put winmugen on on all the preset/ default settings. And I got the winmugen from the original site along with the patch.
  4. OK here's the situation guys, I downloaded Winmugen and then applied the patch. I opened Mugen and instead of the mugen bg being blue it was Orange. Now when I got to any screen it's totally the opposite colour of what it is meant to be. Even the characters are the wrong colours Can anybody tell me how to fix this I also got a screenshot to help explain what I mean.
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