What are SFV files? SFV (Simple File Verificator) files are used to ensure if files are: - not corrupt - not missing For example, with RARs it's important that we got all the parts and that none of the RAR files is corrupt... If it is RAR will tell us (if its new RAR that is). However to know that rar file 020 is corrupt we need to have previous 19 files to test... SFV allows us to test any file at any time without the need to have other files. more info: http://dreamlover.tecbox.com/faqsfv.htm
I remember reading an article about a guy in Japan who murdered someone (in real life) for stealing his virtual sword on an MMORPG. And another article about how lady who killed her boyfriend for playing too many online games.
All the people I know with a cube traded it in for a DS and some DS games. I still have my cube, I tried to trade it in to EBGames but they wouldn't take it cos they had too many in stock.
Hmm I dunno about that but I do know there are patches for PSX games that you can make Pal to NTSC, and vice versa. But I am not sure if thats what you're looking for?