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  1. Big Thanks for Magnis for the website, i'll try that and also for BIGWORM, thanx dude for the web i'll also try on that site
  2. Blindspott - nil by mouth three day grace - hate everything about you naruto ost - freakin all of those craps (not the title)
  3. does anyone have naruto compleate mp3, i love this anime so much. i love the quality of the art in manga and in the anime tell me tell me
  4. HUGO'S Cafe Music Underground Compilation For House Music Maniac for releaseing me from this hell world
  5. does this game using neowave engine ?
  6. It's Frost!!! But now I'm listening to Nirvana - Son of a Gun PRIMER 55 - loose - Super Freak love - G'S - Tripin The Head Korn - Y'all want a single i'm a bit stressed nowadays
  7. Maroon 5 - this love Blindspot - nil by mouth
  8. bush is totally crap i think he want the oil why dont he just play C&C general or other game like tetris than killing people he just sit and watch his army war and dying or maybe he join this forum
  9. still same + new comer maybe old one joss stone - fell in love with a boy white stripe - 7 nation army
  11. we're IN topic the title of this TOPIC is sf3rd strike now i'm IN this topic and replying this topic hihihihiihhihhi
  12. fixing rom size sf3 = the real size is about 68 not 48 sf3 2 = 79 mb sf3 3rd = 94 mb i forgot hehe and today when i meet my friend in my campus he told me that my ex-friend already emulated the sound, what a crap i wish i still friend.......... not , relly i think i should unleash the heidern assassin technique "GO TO HELL" kaboommm
  13. Some of us are asian too you know :/ Fillipino's have a diffrent skin tone then most of the asians, I can say that because I am one. Russains are techniclly asians since the most part of Asia is Russia. So no argument. So, what the hell was I talking about again? Right FREAKISH AVATAR. i think u just jealous K'dash coz u dont have cute face like me so if u more cute than me show r face i want to see fili's face tone about rom size it's about 48 mb and he fix a little here and there and i not to smart to see the code and go to hell with him and still i wish can kill him
  14. zzzzzzzz.......... kinda boring here anyone want to start a new thread with the title street fighter 3rd broom hair final gigantic attack oaky saiyanfire let me tell u have u see an asian face u probably see to many chinese face and in asia not everybody have a face like chinese so i'm a indo face like a cross over from Australia and Indonesia so people call me indo face i'm not a transexual okay only a bit tomboy
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