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  1. Is there a way to convert the GD-ROM into a regular disk using the original disk?
  2. The disk is the Original Dreamcast disk.
  3. Hi everyone, I've just registered and I'm trying to figuare out exactly how to get Chankast to work. I'm an owner of two Dreamcasts, as the first one died, and then... the second one did too. The only game I really want to play is Space Channel 5, as I seem to just want to, well, play it. I've gotten the bios files I need and put them in my Chankast_02a directory. I open the program, goto Run -> GD-ROM, and the thing starts going. I see the Dreamcast intro and it goes to the music player. I have selected my CD drive, and I have the CD in the drive. Can anyone help? Thanks.
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