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Everything posted by Kenshinsama

  1. yeah im going to try and get it early myself since I still have the gamestop hookup...saw him playing that yesterday>.< Currently enhoying Soul calibur 4, the Orange box(might trade it for fable two) and Tales of vesperia. love SC4!
  2. yep, something like that (with a gui) would require the use of, say, windows API libraries (which are in C) and, if you plan on communicating through audio, directx API (C++). But you don't even know the languages yet. link You'll need a compiler and a decent text editor too. I would suggest gcc for compiling and notepad2 for editing. thanks alot weirdy. wow there are a few members here who know their crap about this. awsome^^!
  3. I wonder if this game willk pull them out of the hole...hey man square did it with final fantasy 1 sowho knows. I do have to say that I havent really cared about mk since...94...
  4. lol im so flamed for this:P well I just got done watching one of the newer episodes online and I must say the show isnt half bad. I watched the first two seasons back to back and now they are airing the newer eps online aswell as nbc. the characters seem...sso normal yet they are dealing with people now who can levitate things or touch you and know everything there is to know about you. are there any other fans digging this now or was this a wasted thread? lol
  5. hmm well in all honesty I want to try and create a program that keeps users together in the gaming world...if that makes any sense...make it to where theres a database for the users that need it. I have a few other things I wanna mess with like a fighting game that was made specificly for the internet and let you customize your own characters. lol I know I dont even know the basics and Want to make all of this crap:P but everyones got a crazy prject they wanna try right? lol. when I get back to the pad Im going to download C and C++ thanks for the help guys!
  6. whats crackin guys? well Ive been looking all over the net for some advice on programming but I honestly dont know what to look for. I decided to make a post and see if there are any programmers on the .. I dont have much experience but I like to learn new things and Im pretty anal about figuring stuff out. Im interested in doing a few projects and just getting my hands dirty really. any help is much appreciated! stuff Im looking for beginner programs for programming reccomended reading for study any info lol t
  7. anyone else get a chance to get in on the open beta for this?" Ive had it since the launch and I cant wait for the finished product(Yes I am a big SS2 tool) the sprites look awsome sand its true to the original gameplay I think. did anyone else get a chance to get in the open beta?
  8. Gangs of new york isnt that bad either if not for the interesting fight scenes. me and a homey are gonna see body of lies today so fingers crossed.
  9. yeah I hate when you first encounter an enemy and after the match starts they get like a 5 hit combo that takes like half of your hp...but Im a masochist so maybe thats why I still play lol. bomberman though will always be one of my fave party games(even though I suck) the 360 version isnt bad at all either though Im stil partial to the saturn ports.
  10. He really is a good actor so Im kinda confused on whats going on but...titanic wasnt the only thing the guy did. I know that movie was over done and kind of gay but...it was a chick flick...(no offense ladies!!) the man kicked ass in a bunch of other movies and the departed wasnt half flocking bad for a person of his "Calibur". I was gonna go see his new flick tomarrow. it looks interesting.
  11. I have been playing both of these alot recently, I love puzzel quest because its so addicting and hard as hell while bomberman is easy to pick up and beat the crap out of your friends. lol I was wondering if any other members loved either of these and wanted to to and set up some regular sessions. I have a crap load of other games to like small arms, Samurai showdown 2 and Ultra 3d mini golf(the game is fun alright!!!) lemme know what you guys think!
  12. I just got watching the last of this anime a few weeks ago. it had interesting characters that just kept my attention save for the heroine. Kazuya is also now one of my favorite anti heroes of any anime. the beginning of this anime did feel abit like a grind for a few episodes manly because they kept dealing with issues from the past, which I usually dont have an issue with except it started reminding me of lost at some point...in anycase it picked up and the ending was very well done. has anyone on the board seen it? what did you think of it and all that jazz?
  13. wow thats going to be a nice feature. I didnt know they were going to let you play games with people even if they didnt have the game...wonder if I will be able to share videos with friends also...meh in any I dont think they will allow you to switch. they focus on moving forward.
  14. Kohara Amano - Kenshinsama I play alot of xbl arcade games as of late but I think I have most of them...lol
  15. I just finished season 1 a few days ago and yeah C.C. is awsome, we need more rakshata and Karen! though the end of season one was awsome...I dunno I mean his whole operation turned to crap the minute he was gone? you mean to tell me mother flocking general toudo sucks that bad? or was he really playing everyone like a chess game? not dissing the series..just seems like they dropped the ball with "The Order" ya know?
  16. I mean, I use to be pretty basic as a kid gaming ya know? I was god but I wasn't all that skilled because their was no challenge. and not just because of a lack of opponents. it sometimes was because the people that were around me sucked ass. or didn't think out of the box in a fighting game. like that guy you know who will pick Ryu and do the same damn fireball trap till hes flocking blue in the face. when I met my friends my entire world on gaming wasn't the same. I had COMPETITION! and even if they weren't as good as the best of us, they brought something new to the table. in turn just always making it fun to game with these bunch of bitches I call a crew. we have our moments where were not taking to someone or when one of us is being a go-tard. but man we love getting together and just gaming. sometimes they will watch me play an RPG from back in the day(IE Crono trigger which I am the only one in my group who owned and beat that cart...kids) this is getting gayer by the second so Im gonna wrap this up. but you guys get the point right? do you guy get that ith your group? or do you even have one? lemme know!!!
  17. *sigh* My chemical romance and the song is "Hang'em high" damnit Im such a tool...
  18. I didnt even think about that! though something tells me I am going to be spending alot of time in that section...s its all good lol. I am feeling a lot better about it. whats done is done really. as much as I am going to miss what could have been, I want her to truly be happy. I mean Im not like doing nothing ya know. I start work on monday at sony. only as a tester yes but hell its something I really love to do and...I get more trim than a bonzai tree so seriously...I think I am just about over it:P
  19. I thought this was going to be a fighting game? did anyone see the trailers from last summer on this? I am stoked for this game but hell man Crisis core was boring as hell' and the the weakest thing of all...the game was easy even on hardmode. I dont expect much out of square these days...
  20. Welcome back bro!
  21. Nice! I wonder if this fixes any of the shader issues I had in Parasite eve...though that also coulda been my graphic card.
  22. its hard for me not t laugh at the last couple of posts, Epic!
  23. she has a bf but they were on and off. honestly I think I am mad because the guys a losers, his family is abunch of losers and shes only doing this because everythings been really hard on her...she even said as much. she just turned 21 last year, and now she wants settle down. shes hardly finish her Highschool diploma.... I think I am more so mad as friend than as a lover. I mean I do stil love her...thats a given. but, her choices so early in life just seem like a waste...but if thats whats she wants I dont wanna stress her out because Im all hot and bothered that shes with someone else. thats just low. I would rather for her to be happy while shes with child and such...I wouldnt wanna be the reason why something happened to her baby.
  24. So. I will start I guess from 4 days ago. I was hom relaxing with my friend Jose, when I got a call from my Ex. were off and on so I mean its like were not dating, yet we never broke up either. really bizzare to me to I know. but things changed like 4 days ago... She got Pregnant, and I feel. like crap. this is what I am having issues with. I am angry at myself...for feeling so selfish. she wants a friend, hher best friend which also for some odd flocking reason is me, and while I am not being mean, ignoring her or being a dick to her...I am angry because shes pregnant, I am angry because I am angry, because I cant feel happiness for her completely. because theres that part of me that feels like hes lost her. Its gotten better with these last few days. but everytime I think about it I just...well you know get upset. I guess my question is have any of you ever been in a similar situation? if so how did you deal with it or did you deal with it at all? no crap I am going to be there forthis girl. but I cant lie, I wish she was pregnant with my kid versus someone elses...*sigh* and the scary thing is I KNOW its wrong for me to think that way...oy..lemme know what you guys think.
  25. Wow, Congrats man! its awsome whn you hear about someone who found love with the person hes been looking for his entire life! awsome! P.S. Jesus I shouldnt be st0ned this early, I really do sound like a flocking hippy
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