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Everything posted by Kenshinsama

  1. I use to draw back in the day also, and because of the same reasons, I kinda just stopped. I thought it was because I got more into writing but honestly it was alittle more than that but its never to late to learn something new. I am looking for html tutorials just because I forgot how to make a website. Jut like Teck says. I say do it, and post it.
  2. Its funny, when I first gt into anime around 5 or 6 I thought I was just the coolest flocking person on the planet, and than, I figured out I wasn't in on any big secrets or Anyyhing. I simple was into something other people either didnt know about, or understand. Obviously now iuts a different story. everyone and their mom thinks they are some hardcore Otaku because he catched like an entire arc of Bleach. and now because of this we get all the bubblegum anime now. good stuff still makes it over itbut its over shadowed by crap, I mean Naruto. but in the long run. anime was just the spark to get me into drama, and writing and all that other jazz. I still think its awsome, I do however fiund vetter stories in books and such... I had a point but I got nothin lol!
  3. Damn a week? hmm I kinda want to put more thought into this but for now I am going to say that I would totally walk up my old boss, slap him in the face and than say "You are the biggest tool in the bay area. Die away from me" ....its all I got right now...
  4. I'd be pretty pissed to find a damned sanked in my toilet...seriously? a snake? wtf?
  5. Its funny, Usually I could give a rats ass about a dead celebrity but...this man was so...interesting...and honest. when I was younger my parents would let me stay up as late as I wanted. I watched all the shows man. "Red shoe diarys" "Love street" anything on skinnamax. but if George carlon was on HBO...I dropped everything... hey man I turned down watching T&A because of this chap. I am going to drink/smoke in his Honor today. were going to miss you George...
  6. Ok Im pretty intrigued. I mean hell fighting the X-men is one thing but fighting some of my fave anime characters? I need to use the restroom...
  7. Litte extra info on me. I Rant alot. but before I get started I wanna point out that its NEVER too soon to tell someone how you feel. though it doesnt have to be I love you right away either. good example. My mom met my dad at 17 and KNEW maybe 2 weeks into dating him that she wanted to marry him and give him children...Naturally my mom lived in oakland so this all happened within the first year f them meeting*Damn ANOTHER black joke. score.) Moving on...I dont think anyone trully understands it. if they did we would be selling it on ebay or something. nope its definetly instinct in my opinion. Ive had a lot of relationships and only told one person I love you, I'm 25. I dont see myself getting any better at it..at the same time its a very awsome thing. hell I think I am in love with the Idea of being in love. the chase, the comfort, the anger...all that jazz just makes life feel flocking sweet.
  8. Haha wow gone for months and the first post I look in theres a hentai discusion, god bless the internet.... I grew up a big Manga and anime fan so as I got older I can tell you that I became "One of them" at least to a point. I know one of my biggest things was that well... it was ANIME chicks nude. the ig eyes, multi coloured hair? and even those these chicks are suppose to be Japanese...they are stacked like a blondes from the states lol. I mean thats just a perspective on it. I grew out of it by the time I was 16(Black dudes get asian women anyways *DING* I DO enjoy their doujin games though....not really for the sex, the stories are flocking weird. -Blackman out
  9. Lol wow watching rambo, and smoking a bowl while surfing the net is bad...
  10. damn you midway...Damn you!!!! Why would they even THINK about a Combo like this? I woud rather watch Rambo Brite Vs the flocking smiffs
  11. I am sure most of you fighting game fanatics on the board have heard about melty so I thouight I would just refreshen your memory^^ the series started maybe 4 years ago as a fan project from a Doujin/hentai game. it has a pretty big following. the game has had several updates with Cadenza Being the latest installment in the series. Ive been playing it for about two weeks now and I am really loving this game. and after playing around in the iso folder for a while I found that this uodate actually came with a online patch. Melty blood now supports net play! I have the game and I am willing to hare it with you guys so we can start setting up a few matcxhes^^ theres a replay save option after every match^^ I think everyone will get a real kick out of this game.
  12. it was a biatch after smash bros was released! my modem died than my pc got fried and it was just....tedious and weak!!! but I am back! and I have been playing way too much DS and smash bros! lol so for those of you who play hit m up with some friend codes^^ and if anyone is playing final fantasy crystal chronicles we should be playing that online!! lol the game is pretty freakin rad.
  13. my manager let us take ours home early....THIS GAME IS flockING AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We cant stop...so balanced....so awsome...... black man out!- will give a better review of it in a few hours.
  14. well heres my ugly mug added to the list. everything is accurate accept for the hair. I am now sporting a fro. Black man out!-
  15. man go for it. I didnt discover my love for writing until I noticed how much...well I sit there and day dream about all sorts of crazy crap and started putting it on paper for YEARS! never considered myself a writer until last year when somene for the first time got to read some of them. if its your passion man than just go for it. Yosha!!!!..... Black man out!-
  16. for some odd reason I am getting into "queens of the stoneage" they arent to bad. also pantera...rocks....dont know HOW i missed them>.<
  17. lol oh come on YOU KNOW im going to do something stupid. wouldnt be a party otherwise. oh i will post pics after also because every year..well theres more black mail material for my friends...lol
  18. haha you guys are to rad. Im sure I will take a few shots for those missing in action(unless its teqila than its just...just all bad...)
  19. well If you cant be there we always have xbox live or some other online gaming like kailera or somethin. I plan to go out with a bang that day....so drunk...so drunk...lol
  20. well I will be turning 25 march 16 but were going to have my party on the 15th since it falls on a saturday. I told every chick I usually invite to my party parties...to flocking kick rocks this year! I want to hang with the guys. just the boys and some gaming that day. BBQ, beer the worls. I thought why not extend the invitation and see if anyone here doesnt mind stopping by? Ive got some of the coolest friends to hang with and all of em are gamers. we do everything from fps to 2d shumps lol. let me know whats up. if your down to come hang with us than by all means bring the noise! it will be a pretty fun day. P.S. there will be drinking at this party. minors are not excluded but of course you cant drink because it aint legal*Cough* no seriously...no drinking minors!!!!! 18 and up are welcome^^
  21. Ok I just pulled a Few things from the store that I figured someone might want. just a couple of guides for ps3 and 360 games. Blacksite Area 51 Rainbow six vegas(2) Hellgate London Spider-man friend or Foe Transformers the movie guide Tony Hawks proving ground thrillville Stranglehold also have the god of war:chains of olympus pre-order set which comes with the demo and some other extras I dont care to open and look into lol. soooooooooo if anyone wants any of those lemme know and I can work out a way to get it to you. they are free of charge^^ laters!
  22. Muse is awsome because they annoy my roomate to know end...and that works for me lol. smashing pumpkins are flockin awsome!!!!
  23. yeah I was using those on mine and they worked great. hes pretty juiced hes going to be able to play punch-out....man...lol
  24. I agree. you would probably have more luck controlling your TV with a cell phone. the only similarity between a PSP and DS is that they are both handheld. no way a Sony PS3 would accept some tiny Nintendo DS, being lifetime enemies maybe it is, with some serious hardware modding and some really specific software. maybe messing around with the DS so long, that it thinks to be a wireless gamepad. but that would have no point, be very difficult and utterly pointless. ....Do I know you? I had a friend with that same handle for a while...if not...heya!!!
  25. haha when I first played it I was like meh. but it grew on me alitte. if anything its a prettier pso at best.
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