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Everything posted by Kenshinsama

  1. his system is chipped and he had the full games. I dont think he was able to buy them from market place.
  2. lemme know what your thoughts are on it mate after you have played around with it for a while. Im sure you will love it^^ btw one of these days we need to fight in some VF5 ^_-
  3. Well I got home a few hours ago. played a few matches of CVS2 with my roomie and got some pizza from the marina pizza parlor(if you live in the bay its a must to try it once!) going to hit the sack early since I have to be at the hospital again in the morning for an MRI scan. oy! Its not so bad tho. my eyes are feeling better and I havent had any really bad headaches. I am still worried though. I mean the MRI is for my brain and they can tell me anything. I dont think I have anything MAJOR wrong...but you never know. it really doesnt matter what it is though. Im goin gto do what Ive been doing and keep an optimistic look at things. and even if its really bad. I am sure I will find a way to fix it or Deal with it. that being said. Black man out!
  4. What some wacky tabaky...no dope smoking allowed here....cough cough...takes another puff. lol
  5. I cant remmeber what alone in the dark game I beat for pc so many years ago. I do remember liking it alot. 5 looks very very promising.
  6. well it really wont. some games while I HATE to admit it look better on my ps3 versus my Xbox360. for me though that really doesnt matter that the games they share end up looking better on the pS3. UT on the ps3 is a great game but once I can play on Xbox live I am so trading it in. and yeah the xbox got a jump on the PS3 but who cares? its been out for what? a year now? a year into the Xbox and there was a shitload of hits. that while none of them were in my fave Genre (japanese roleplaying games) I ended up becoming a fan of a bunch of different genres I usually wouldnt mess with. I love gears, rainbow six and hell even have some live for quake. Bioshock also in my opinion is maybe one of the sickest FPS titles out right now. because its more than just a "different FPS" The story is crazy immersive and finally FINALLy DEVELOPERS are finally understanding that proper story telling is very very flocking crucial. this console war is far from over though. even though the ps3 finally has some really killers apps coming pretty soon...
  7. yeah, it's been a while. I also used to post over there (think it was rommy aka mr.rom on A@H clue me over there or something). I was quite active there during that stupid conflict between A@H ppl and GS (spamming each other bleh, was there to stop the whole mess since I was mod over at A@H). Yeah those were the days. but I swear i thought it was Tim (owner of A@H) who was responsible for the downfall of GS. I'm not even sure Kath was the one who decided to shutdown GS but I recalled GS was hosted on Tim's network or something. Tim hosted it for a while but I think towards its final days kath tryed putting it on his own server and that lasted for like a few months. from what I know tim didnt really care either way about geoshock so I dont think he had to much to do with it. in the end I think kath just say flock it. he had alot going on the last I spoke to him. haha so you migrated here to eh rommy? niceness. you gotta let me know the next time u come out to the bay man. sano wants to burn one with ya ^_-
  8. hmm been a while since I played any of the aki I games but Firepros Createa wrestler gets...well pretty flocking insane. its easy and simple enough when your doing the basics like costume design and styles and what your good against and what not. but its finding the right move sets, logic, what aresa are you aver, good or weak in. if Id say firepros create a character was a lot deeper than any of the aki I engined wrestling games. the only issue is the menu system in firepro is clunky and feels very clumsy sometimes. the controls take a while to get use to when it comes to the menu system and I am still getting the hang of it. though its alot easier now that the flocking game is in english lol. the depth doesnt stop with the characters though. Whole federations factions, you can make different arenas and designs and belts. its pretty flocking sick.
  9. Heh count me in!
  10. really? man I must not be trolling like I use to. hell yes we would love to add to it^^ cant wait to tell the guys once I get out of here today. we have been talking and planning this out for months. got any links for me to check out the podcast? Yeah, we'd love to have some new faces on our Podcast. We've only had a podcast test so far, BUT we've had quite a few live radio shows. The last live radio show we had was quite popular with over a 100 listeners and thousands of downloads. More information and download link (mirror 4 works) here. You can listen to our last Podcast test here. flocking sweet. thanks gamecop^^ I remember listening to the radio show and downloading it to my zune. it actually sparked the idea I had with the guys way back when. room ates are on there way to pick me up and were gonna have a group meeting tomarrow to talk about what were going to do. thanks again guys^^
  11. me and my roommate got a PS3 off of a customer who was about to trade it into my store. me being the haggler that I am(and also the guy wanting cash for his ps3 lol) was able to score it for two hundread dollars with 3 games and three controllers. while of course this is a great price for all of this...I am kinda disappointed in it. at least with the gaming aspects of it. The XMB is exactly like the psp and while its a pretty simple enough GUI to mess around its got its own annoying perks. most of the games out now are ports and the exclusives arent all THAT good (Folksoul is king tho and it owns pretty hard...sorry thats the ghetto in me lol) the sony store is...laughable and theres really not much you can do with the browser. save for visit youtube. I say I "half a console" because the other parts of it I really do like. the divx support is nice and being able to save media from the ps3 or streaming it is pretty badassed. the option of installing linux on it also gives me a few other options and opens up a alot of other great possibilities. for instance being able to boot a ps3 game thru linux versus going all the way back into the ps3 XMB. or being able to copy blu-ray movies from the drive and saving them onto the system. its a great multimedia machine...its just the gaming side of it that is just seriously lacking to me. any thoughts?
  12. wow we even have blogs? man I am so glad I found my way back here. I have been running a live journal for years some some of my writing. I am really into fantasy and such and love writing stories for people to check out. I may mess around with this^^
  13. lol no Im just fooling. I do have a few gripes with sony but just like veryone else I never really thought about the hddvd blu-ray war.
  14. really? man I must not be trolling like I use to. hell yes we would love to add to it^^ cant wait to tell the guys once I get out of here today. we have been talking and planning this out for months. got any links for me to check out the podcast?
  15. I hate blu-ray because I hate sony. I hate sony because them nigga's be gay. So there, do I need more reason? Agreed. lol no seriously Agreed!
  16. Omg, tell me your not the same Kenshinsama from old GeoShock? it's a shocking suprise to see you here. Tis sad to see GS gone but that used to be one of the better old emulation community out there compare to places like A@H. but back to the topic, I used to be the owner of ••€mü-Ñëtwø®k••, and run Emu Rom Hub. But due to Udgnet (UnderGround Net) got into the affairs with the FBI, I had to choice but to back out of DC++. But Emu-Net used to be a success, I was able to obtain up to 12 hubs in my network. haha I am the very same one^^ use to be a mod for gs for a number of Years. than everyone started leaving and I also had a few other issues come into play( seriously stopped gaming for a while. maybe a year or two?) I tried going back to geoshock and was sad that Kath totally let it go. I tried to get in contact with him to maybe buy the rights but I never got the chance but hey crap happens and I found 1emulation around 2k5 and Ive trolled around ever since^^
  17. Suckage that would have been pretty cool. guess I will try my hand with it on the ps3 and Linux. thanks alot^^
  18. me and some friends have been working on a few projects as of late. one of them is a online show we wanna do geared towards gaming,entertainment. its part comedy, part reviews and you will even get to see good game debates and a bunch of other cool random things. I am an asm for gamestop(I hate the place with a passion but hey I am a gamer ) once we get everything up and running I was wondering if you guys didnt mind if I affiliated my show with the forums. basically just put "Sponsored by 1emulation.com" obviously theres no guarantee this will kick off but me and the guys are having fun making it and I think you all would get a kick out of it^^ just lemme know what you guys think. and if you want in its all good. whatever your specialty is be it gaming,art, design, reviewing, writing or just making an ass out of yourself. lemme know whatcha think^^
  19. Lets see Ive only been to a few live shows. the pop sucks tour 2004, I also was lucky enough to see metalica live. not the biggest fan of theres but they rocked the house that night. godmack opened for them also. pretty cool. got a black eye^^
  20. I have a friend with a modded Xbox360 and while its pretty awsome that he has like every xbox live arcade game,he can save games to the hard drive but not being able to play him on live is a drag. I find that xbox live is really inexpensive and thats coming from a hardcore gamer. I dont download every arcade game nor do I really have a desire to own every iso. I do however enjoy playing on a solid network, my friends is always right there and theres always something to do. and now the xbox has divx support. cant really beat that.
  21. GOD BLESS THE CHINESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>.< I dunno but it sounds like it would be hilarious if someone did that. a friend of mine yelled it out at the opening of "Crouching tiger hidden Dragon" lol
  22. Ive messed around with Ubuntu on my ps3 and once I finish configuring the video driver I should have it up and running once I get out of this hospital. curious though. I was thinking after I finish configuring my install is it possible to make like a backup recovery of the operating system on my ps3? kinda like norton ghost or something like that? if so I can upload it to my server at home and share it to make the linix install alittle easier for everyone. if its possible.
  23. Mods please lemme know if I am making to many useless threads I have a nack for getting ahead of myself. I was just wondering if there is a console port of mugen maybe for the ps2 or dc or whatever. I downloaded a Type-moon vs DC vs Mvs2 Pack and this would be a funny brawler to mess around with.
  24. Oh man if you have any interest in the wrestling, mixed martial arts, boxing or just like a good sim with some killer matches(which you can also play if you choose I prefer making fighter logic my self) than its for you. I have a legit copy of the game so if you need to hit me with a pm and I can help ya out^^
  25. So with a litte research I have figured out how to add my own tracks to DC isos and one of the propjects I am going to undertake is making a mvc2 mix with some of OUR favorate tracks. I am going to have like 3 tracks per stage and make it completely random(well I wil try with that random thing lol) what do you guys think eh? nothing sounds better than opening a can to some metalica or hell even Avril lol. Black man out!
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