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Everything posted by Kenshinsama

  1. Ok so I have been playing firepro for the better part of a decade and while there are obviously "Better" wrestling titles out for the ps2, I find that I really don't care about all the bells and whistles some of the new games come with. Firepro Is simple, easy to pick up and if I am not in the mood to play I can just watch the matches and check out computer logic or tweak logic of my created wrestlers and such. the game is just amazing to me for this. That being said for the first time the game is actually taking off in my group. thanks to all my friends I have created a fed, have about 14 wrestlers made(and Growing) and hell now were trying to see if anyone else plays. it would be pretty easy to get the data from my PS3 to send and fight some of the board members and see their logic. so back to the question at hand. anyone play?
  2. Hmmm I am in the middle of Kaze No stigma,scrapped princess, eureka 7 and currently for some really odd flocking reason I feel like picking bleach back up and watching it...read some of a friends manga and saw Itchigo is apart of the soul society now...thats pretty interesting...but yeah thats what I am watcing^^
  3. Really? craptastic...(DO NOT SURF FOR EMULATION FORUMS WHILE UNDER KODINE) well doesnt that just beat all. its fine though I have found a few hubs and I am playing around with those now. sorry for wasting time^^
  4. hmm I was up looking for a new forum to hang around (when u are out of the emu loop for a while iVe learned that its been to read the forums...people always ask the same questions I do.) signed up and that was that. my job keeps me pretty busy so I am not on alot. but I am usually there enjoying the flaming...when flaming happens anywho.
  5. hey guys its been a while^^ stuck sick in bed and I was surfin the boards when it hit me to breakout my DC and mess around with a few games(saw a topic about hundred swords and really wanted to play) so I thought o check out the hub and see whats in there. I havent messed with DC in a while but I am having all kinds of issuesd getting in. it keeps saying "The requested address is not valid in its context" can anyone help me out? hopefully I didnt post this in the wrong forum again....thanks guys^^
  6. 20 bucks wasnt to much to spend on it IMO. give it a month or two and it will definetly be cheaper. plus it came with the first game and the multiplayer for it. not a bad buy. they are gonna release something called Arena mode next month and also a Multiplayer for SiN emergence. so thats also somethint o look forward to while waiting for episode 2^^
  7. Has anyone played this yet? I bought a copy from my store today (I work at ebgames and yes I hate my job>.<) game is flocking fun! I never played the older sin game but they ADDED that with the game. so I checked that out first and thought "Meh, sall right" than played the new game...wow...just wow. lol I like this game more than HL2! Anyone played yet or was I the only idiot to shuve out 20 bucks for this game?
  8. really random question but is their a way to contact haze? like does he frequent any emulation forums?
  9. yeah that game is still whippin some ass and taking names.
  10. a few of my friends and I have been doing some classic UT lately. anyone down for that?
  11. hmm gotta test this out. which reminds me I need to finish playing chrono cross for the 20th time lol.
  12. damn this proggie is sick. gonna use this for a few games^^
  13. A friend of mine last year bough a alienware laptip. spent a good 4 thousand dollars(I laughed when I saw the specs didnt add up to the rig I built for WAY less than half that) and hes had SO many issues. mostly with the customer service. he had to send it to them 3 times and everytime they dont fix the issues he point out. maybe they will be getting Dells customer service..one can hope I guess..though I agree I cant respect anyone who buys an alienware:P *runs off to show friend this thread*
  14. Slightly off topic how is that? SFA3 for psp. havent had a chance to play my firends(its the only game he bought lol) the system has the potential to blow everything out of the water with its hardware. but if that was the case with anything MS would be winning the console war:P mind you I plan on getting a psp for some japanese titles. if its backwards compatible...or if theres something that will let me play import UMDs.
  15. I will admit that after reading my previous post my opinions do seem abit fanboyish. Im just being honest tho. I like the the ps and ps2. and even tho I dont liek alot of the franchised crap on it. It just sucks to hear a console get slamed for trying to be different. psp imo is a weaker system to the GBA and DS just because of the fact that they both have GOOD games. yeah your psp can play movies, apps and all that jive. but so can a decent PC, DVD player, VCR, etc. call me a fanboy all you want. Im just sayin what everyone else who knows gaming is thinking.
  16. Honestly yous sony fanboys all same the same garbage. you say Dawn of sorrow is the only reason to own the console? I say Phoenix wright, Sonic Rush, mario and Luigi Lost in time,jump super stars and a crap load of others are 10x better than the crap sonys shoveling out for its handheld wow you got another damn GTA. yeah I'm sure my calculator will get a port of that sometime soon with some super ubber new way to jacks someone for their car. as for the rev controller dont dis something till you tryed it. and give nintendo props for them trying to do something that SONY couldn't never dream of doing in a milion years. innovate the console market. all the DS,Cube,gba games I've played I have like every one. how many psp or PS2 owners can say that? aside from the usually FF,gta,dmc CLONES. Hell all of those above also have respective clones. and clones of clones. I'm not tripping on you I'm merely just frustrated with all the bashing of a console when the one people are boasting caters to people who want the same crap OVER and OVER again. -Rant off-
  17. if my granpa were still alive hed truly be sad. all of his shows and movies made us laugh and smile. he had so much personality to me as a kid and even now as Im 23 years old. I grew up watching this kinda stuff instead of SNL and In living color(who remembers that one eh?) he was a great actor and his memory will surely live on. no ones gonna be able to emulate his style
  18. this is BS but your right it wont hurt the ed2k network at all. flocking retard crap I swear!
  19. :: Visit the official PCSX2 site. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Saw the video just a few mins ago. Im freakin speechless! at this rate I give them 2 years before they have this emu perfect. this is awsome work^^
  20. I dunno but its interesting as all hell...Im gonna spread this around.
  21. I wonder what plans they have for taito...
  22. I hope everything turns out alright for you man. I will be praying for your mom.
  23. Ive played those games and they are all alright I suppose. but didnt really make me wanna go out and buy the console. and yeah I can play with all those characters but for me Im kinda done with playing the game. yeah they added more people but its still the same game (IMO) I guess as of late Im more into the rpgs I guess. I havent seen any that Ive wanted for the console. the DS dont have to many games I wanted either. save for the lunar game and Castlevania. but it can play GBA games so maybe that might push my hand more. Im not dissing the system. actually just from playing with it I think its sweet as all hell. give it a few more months and Im sure I will be drooling over some game coming out for it.
  24. I thought I wanted one...no games I really want on it though. only one that looks interesting is Sf Alpha 3..but I have it on Ps1, saturn,DC and for FBA...the hell do I need another version of this game for? 0_o
  25. wow this emulator is really something. gonna have to pay a visit to the authors forums and give some props.
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