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Everything posted by XtraTrstrL

  1. Oh, Ok, now we're getting somewhere. Let me go get the Romcenter, then put my BAED3b roms back on the PC and try this out. I'll be back.
  2. LMAO Ok, I'm not afraid to admit when I'm in over my head. I just tried to do what you said. It's a little too deep for me to jump into at my level of knowledge on this at the moment. Too many random patches and they don't all say what they do. Guess I just gotta either go back to the Baed3b PR version and try to add the KOF 10th and '04, if they'll work. And for the fixes and stuff on FBA I'll have to wait for someone to remake a new altered version with games like Samsho V special 'n whatnot. This is just too complex for me. Thanx though +T+. Good lookin' out man.
  3. Alrighty, I'm gonna try that, have no idea what I'm doing though. I opened the dat before with notepad 'n checked some stuff out, this is crazy though. Anyhow, lemme get on it. P.S. Once I get all the files, do I just zip them back into 1 zip?
  4. Ok, I finally upgraded from my Baed3b FBAxxx PR version to the Fbaxxx Pro 8/2/05 build. I also downloaded some new kof's (10th anniversary, 2004ex 'n such) Almost everything seems to work fine this try. There's no music in FBA menu, but whatever. I can't seem to get a game or 2 to work on this version though. Samurai Showdown 5, It worked with the PR version, doesn't work now. I really want this game. I found a site with a whole bunch of separate zips for NeoGeo games (including Samsho5 and Samsho5 special). I downloaded all the zips for each one. now I'm left with this: Samurai Showdown V: # 270-s1b.zip # samsh5nd_c-p-s_patches.zip # samsh5nd_c_fixes_kawaksdev.zip # samsh5nd_c_patches.zip # samsh5nd_dual_c_patches.zip # samsh5nd_nonwatermarked_c_patches.zip # samsho5-c3_1bff0d0e_to_838f0260.zip # samsho5-c3_260afd84_to_8c1ba0b6.zip # samsho5-c3_82db9dae-c4_f8041153-c5_2219186a-c7_d245d493.zip # samsho5-c3_82db9dae_to_8c1ba0b6.zip # samsho5-c3_838f0260_to_1bff0d0e.zip # samsho5-c3_8c1ba0b6_to_260afd84.zip # samsho5-c3d_8c1ba0b6_to_82db9dae.zip # samsho5-c4_f8041153_to_12726c00.zip # samsho5-c4d_12726c00_to_f8041153.zip # samsho5-c5_2219186a_to_5636760f.zip # samsho5-c6d_a33c04df_to_a993bdcf.zip # samsho5-c6d_a993bdcf_to_44cc8f59.zip # samsho5-c7_751937de_to_d245d493.zip # samsho5-c7_d245d493_to_751937de.zip # samsho5-c8_c13281aa_to_02c530a6.zip # samsho5-m1_18114fb1_to_c8a0b514.zip # samsho5-m1_18114fb1_to_cedebd3c.zip # samsho5-p1-p2_611a6687_to_270-p1_4a2a09e6__270-p2_e0c74c85.zip # samsho5-p1-p2_to_p1d_4f8f86bd__p2d_91979dee.zip # 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samsho5_c_patches.zip # samsho5_c_patches_revert.zip # samsho5_cd_to_ce.zip # samsho5_nonwatermarked_c_patches.zip # samsho5_nonwatermarked_c_patches_1.zip # samsho5_nonwatermarked_c_patches_2.zip # samsho5_p_patches.zip # samsho5_to_samsh5bl_v_patch.zip # samsho5_v1d_809c7617_v2d_42671607__v1_62e434eb_v2_180f3c9a_patch1.zip # samsho5_v1d_809c7617_v2d_42671607__v1_62e434eb_v2_180f3c9a_patch2.zip # samsho5_v_fixes.zip # samsho5_v_patches.zip # samsho5b-s1b_2ad6048b_to_70f667d0.zip # samsho5b_p1b_5023067f__p2b_b6cbe386_patch.zip # samsho5bl_c_fixes.zip # samsho5h-p1_4a2a09e6_to_bf956089.zip # samsho5h-p1c-p2c_to_p1cd_88e477cc__p2cd_f01e62aa.zip # samsho5h-p2_e0c74c85_to_943a6b1d.zip ___________________________________________________________________ Samurai Showdown V Special: # samsh5sp-512ks1_c297f973_to_a0e2cd02.zip # samsh5sp-512ks1_c297f973_to_ae6f980b.zip # samsh5sp-m1_222-m1_7615bc1b_to_adeebf40.zip # samsh5sp-m1_270-m1_43a05a7d_to_adeebf40.zip # samsh5sp-m1_adeebf40_to_b5abda07.zip # 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samsh5sp_4vd_to_2vd.zip # samsh5sp_cd_to_ce.zip # samsh5sp_p1_3e3961f5_to_p1d_4cc4bcae_p2d_7114a210.zip # samsh5sp_v1-v2_to_v1d_ae5a592d.zip # samsh5sp_vconv_patch1(1).zip # samsh5sp_vconv_patch1.zip # samsh5sp_vconv_patch2(1).zip # samsh5sp_vconv_patch2.zip ___________________________________________________________________ SNK vs Capcom Chaos: # 269-m1d.zip # Parches_svc.rar # Ssvbl-s1d.zip # ssvbl_C_Patch.zip # svc-269p-p1(4D4036A8)&p2(0EAFCEFA)#2.rar # svc-512ks1_3334ac31_to_772b18dc.zip # svc-512ks1_3334ac31_to_ad184232.zip # svc-512ks1_aaef740c_to_65d6cfd8.zip # svc-512ks1_aaef740c_to_bfe59536.zip # svc-c7_56ac5fb9_to_c0bb4245.zip # svc-c7d_56ac5fb9_to_4d08e0a3.zip # svc-c8_de99e613_to_43f4a538.zip # svc-c8d_de99e613_to_d5899852.zip # svc-m1_4e81642e_to_dcc67f10.zip # svc-m1_5bd2d3ad_to_9af84708.zip # svc-m1_7f01dac5_to_ab78f9e3.zip # svc-m1_7f01dac5_to_dcc67f10.zip # svc-m1_804328c3_to_9af84708.zip # svc-m1_9af84708_to_21293972.zip # svc-m1_9af84708_to_4e81642e.zip # svc-m1_9af84708_to_6f392dc4.zip # 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Please, someone out there guide me through this. Thanx in advance.
  5. Capcom vs Snk 2, that was the peak of the versus games in my opinion. Forget the 600 hit button smash ultra combos and 9 characters fighting at once. Straight up strategy & skill. Too bad they're too lazy to really work hard on new fighting games though. The bastards could've upped the resolution on that game, and made it animate like SF3 or something. Or look smooth like Guilty Gear X. Lazy friggin' Capcom.
  6. When is the Black version coming out anyhow?
  7. I just downloaded the Hurricane Pack. It is just TDATA and UDATA save folders/sub folders data. I'd think I just have to copy the folders to corresponding E:\...\TDATA & \UDATA. I went to a few searches on how to install it, just to be safe. And I came up on message board posts where they were talking about you needing to have a gamertag, because it looks for your gamertag. I'm wondering if this still applies, or if it was an older issue that someone managed to break through. Anyone here have Ninja Gaiden and the Hurricane Pack retrieved through methods other than Xbox Live download? If so, how'd you get it to work? Thanx in advance.
  8. YES! Got it done. Thanx PRican25. I used the Auto Installer Deluxe file manager to edit the xml. If you scroll down far enough, there's 2 little spots that have the path for emulators, just had to change it from F to G on those 2 spots and it works. What's up with Arnold X image taking over almost all the emulators though? Anyone else have this problem? Anyhow, tight shiit. Knocking these obstacles out the way 1 by 1.
  9. Ahh man, it's gonna take file editing. Ok, which Xbox file manager lets you save changes to txt and xml files when viewing them again? I know the AID disc lets you, in it's file manager.
  10. Oh, by the way, 1 more quick question on XBMC. Anyone know how to get XBMC to recognize where your emulator folders are? When I go to emulators on XBMC, nothing shows up. My emulators/roms are all located on my G: Drive. Any feedback on that would be appreciated. (I'm using the 8/8/05 PIMPED Edition of XBMC right now.)
  11. Cool shiiit! Thanx Xr8ed. It works perfect. Just rename the jpgs to folder.jpg. Thanx for the responses on here. Now back to trying to upgrade FBAxxx PR.
  12. Cool, I think that might be the answer I needed @ Xr8d. I'm gonna try renaming all the jpegs to folder.jpg. Hopefully it works. I'll post back after I try. Good lookin' out guys. Much appreciated.
  13. Use musicmatch from off the PC? or some sort of XBMC musicmatch? This not knowing how to get FTP to work is killing me. I'm wasting too many DVDs on little stuff. Gonna download musicmatch now and try that out. Thanx PRican25.
  14. Nawh, that's one of the first things I tried. I don't know what it is. Only the 2 album folders that came with pics already show up in XBMC. There must be some type of setting in there I'm not adjusting properly. The 2 that work are for: Cage: Movies for the Blind...it's a jpeg - 200 x 197 & Nature Sounds presents - Convexed 2003...also a jpeg - 200 x 197 I downloaded my own jpegs for all my other album folders. They didn't work. So I went and resized them to 200 x 197. They still don't show up. What the hell am I not doing?
  15. Anyone here very familiar with XBMC? I seem to be having a little problem with trying to get the jpegs to show up for my music folders in XBMC. Only 2 of the folders show pictures, and it's the 2 music albums I downloaded that already had pics. I noticed they were each 200 x 197 jpeg format. So I downloaded pics for all the other album folders and set them to 200 x 197 jpeg, but they still don't show up when scrolling through music, only when I look for pics. What could it be why XBMC doesn't pick up those pics for the folders, but picks up the pics for the album folders that came with a pic? Any feedback on this would be much appreciated. Thanx in advance.
  16. Ahhh, that Lunar ips, I'm hearing that name more and more now. I'm gonna download it and browse through it's readme file and see what I can do. Good lookin' out PRican25.
  17. thanx again PRican25. I must say though, if it doesn't give the instructions on how to do it, I prolly won't end up using that method, because I know nothing on patching roms, updating.dat files, and so on. That's why I was so happy to find all the BAED discs. Everything was done. Except the renaming of disc 1 and 2 for Xbox compatibility. That wasn't too hard. This is a whole nother thing though. Just wish there was a full patch download that continued from BAED3B and auto-fixed the older games and added the new ones, that'd be the shiiiiiiitt! If it came with a new FBAxxx altered version again too. Anyhow, I checked out those alt.binaries newsgroups, I couldn't understand how to download the roms I wanted, it kept giving me some.dzn files or something. Maybe I'm just an idiot, but I wasn't getting how to work place out. still, Thanx for taking the time to drop the helpful tips PRican. Much appreciated.
  18. cool, thnx PRican25. I just gotta start checking these news groups out then.
  19. Oh man, that Sucks! I actually tried upgrading to Pro. It freezes when you try loading, it says creating DAT files, and just stays there forever. If I take all the roms out, then it loads. And I'm sure it won't play alot of the roms you adjusted the PR version to play. How do I go about getting this done? I only have the romset that came with the Baed3b disc. If there's another updated romset that I could find it'd be cool, but I have no idea where to find it. I've found Neogeo full romsets, but then I'll be missing the CPS1,2 and others romsets. There must be an easy way to get this done right.
  20. I've seen more and more on softmodding, it has it's own section on the AID 2.x iso packs. I still don't trust it though. Modchips are pretty cheap and get the job done right. Softmodding doesn't seem like a sure thing to me. I'm no expert though, just my thoughts on it. Microsoft is annoying maaan. I have the new 1.6b version Xbox now. It came with the new Hitachi drive, and it doesn't read cd-r's what-so-ever. So, I had my buddy that does modchips and stuff replace the drive with a 1.6b Samsung, thinking it would fix the problem, but it seems all the new drives are the same, don't read cd-rs. And I've been downloading tons of stuff, and am not familiar with the FTP yet, so I've wasted so many dvds just transfering little programs and updates to my xbox. It's really annoying. Guess I'll have to wait for my friend to get a hold of an older version xbox and switch my drive out with a Phillips. Hopefully it'll be soon. Unless I get FlashFXP to work before then. By the way, anyone here have the 64mb ram add on to their Xbox? I'm wondering if it's worth it.
  21. 1. There is one little glitch on FBAxxx that I think has been on it forever: When you go into button config, the PPP and KKK are switched around. What's up with that? 2. On the Baed3b disk, the PRican25 FBAxxx version, even though it's already sweet, are there updates to this version, cuz I know there's a new August version of the official FBAxxx, but it won't play alot of the roms PRican25's plays. 3. What's the deal with some of the skins not even being recognized when I try to load them on the menu selection screen, or some completely freezing the emulator. Only talking about the main 4 or 5 skins that come with the official FBAxxx and PRican version. 4. Are there any plans for a new rom pack with games like KOF 10th anniversary and such? P.S. I just PMed you PRican25 with the update question, just felt I'd make a post with a few more indepth questions. Thanx in advance to anyone that may reply with helpful tips.
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