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Everything posted by Beefy

  1. do you know what date it will be??
  2. would it be possible to put an x-box topic up there with the console forums cos it is and it will make your webby much better having at least 1 good console there hehe
  3. wow thanks man, thatsa big help!
  4. i was told by a m8 that the ps2 emulator is not up and running so far, and all the Emulator Downloads from Kazaa are just fake... i have not got a clue when it will be around though,ill look up for you though
  5. i heard off 1 website that DragonBall Z 3 Was Comming out for GBA, is this true or just a rumour, its ment to be about the Buu Saga, i no that the PS2 Version is out but will be out for GBA
  6. erm.i have downloaded Legacy of Goku 2 about 6 times and i always get the same problem - i can never get passed the title and start menu, so i dont acctually get onto the game, is this just my emulator or is a sh!tty download? P.S do u have any sites with proper downloads to this rom, this would make me happy
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