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Everything posted by Razbuckets

  1. Yea I havent read all the post because I am new to the site only. I have all the KoF's that I know of regular 94-2002 on Kawaks 2003 I got it working on NeoRage 4ac the EGCG or w/e I also got Metal Slug 5 working on that also. I had the 2k4 special edition of KoF the hacked 2002 version as you guys put it. All I wanted to know is if its possible to get them to work on Kawaks because the one im using is 1.54. As for 1.46 I had to change some files to get the other roms to work so I just left them as they were to play in 1.54 of kawaks. Thats all I wanted to know again is if there was a possible way to get KoF2003, and Metal Slug 5 to work on Kawaks 1.54. But im guessing there isnt.
  2. Sorry to be a post whote but also can anyone fully list the KoF games out now that are available as roms. Thanks
  3. Sorry If I piss anyone off Im new and havent read through every post. So I am asking is there a way to get MS5 and KOF2003 to play on Kawaks 1.54 I have Kof94-2002 the 10th Annivesary working SS1-4 I want 5 to work on it also I have all the Fatal Furys working can anyone help me to tell me if its even possible to get Metal Slug 5, Kof2003 and is there really a Kof2004 the Special Edition or w/e what is it then. Thanks anyone who can help
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