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Everything posted by ME!

  1. I have no reason to upgrade to Vista. Xp has never given me a single problem that required more than just a simple fix. I've had limited experience with Vista, but if it is anything like Windoes ME, like you suggest Emsley, then I don't want to be anywhere near it. That was the worst os ever.
  2. N64 is the only Nintendo system that I never owned. MY buddy Geo had one, but I can't remember what games he had and what not. That whole time period is really just a haze of smoke, booze, girls and waking up in places where i have no clue where I am. What's also strange, is that I've never really had any interest in playing any of the games on the N64... a few people told me they would rank it the worst system from Nintendo... atleast at the time anyway. I might have played the Zelda games, though. Idunno.
  3. I saw the IMAX version aswell. Luckily, my bro was able to get us a discount and the tickets only cost us 13 bucks. It was worth it. The movie is badass regardless, though. As for the best joker, i'll be different and vote Mark Hamill from the animated series on the WB from back in the day.
  4. Well, i would suggest building your own, or getting a friend to help you. If so, Newegg.com would be the way to go. But, if you really just want to order a pre built one, I would suggest ibuypower.com. You can easily put a pc together for less than 2k on their site. That's with a monitor, keyboard etc. I don't think you need to go with a quad core, sli and all that. It would be overkill for most people. Stay modest, but practical, and you should be fine.
  5. As someone who has been schooled in art (painting, sculpture, and illustration) for the good part of their life, I can appreciate the painting that GC posted... more so then most people, I'd wager. Many artists would probably disregard the first pic as art, but aslong as it is art to the one that created it, it is art. There is some art that is easier to like than others. Other works of art are really far out there and hard to understand and except as being art. Someone that likes abstract expressionism, isn't going to necessarily like manga, or vice versa. I, myself, tend to lean more towards realism, but I also love manga, american comics etc. So yeah, art is not fart!
  6. I think I remember that thread. I've seen them in all places... back of the neck, across the chest, on their boobs, lower back... But yeah, idunno. I guess it depends on the tattoo and on the person with said tattoo. Alot of people, not just women, get a tattoo just to get one. You can pick those people out easy. I went my whole life up until a few years ago, before I got a tattoo, Eagle, Globe and Anchor... so yeah, I just didn't walk into a tattoo place, pick a print off the wall and tell them to stick it on above my butt crack. The girl I'm with now wants to get a tattoo of something with her kid's names in it, and I'm down with that. I usually don't go for chicks with tattoos, but it will have meaning for her and will be tasteful... not just another cliche butt crack tat, that I swear, every girl I see has.
  7. Hmm... are you sure it wasn't for the SNES and not the NES? Your description sounds an awful lot like Desert Strike, as mentioned above, which came out on both the Sega Genesis and the SNES. I know, as for myself, I get a little mixed up sometimes when trying to remember an old game from when I was a kid.
  8. Really dig that vid Solidius. I remember way back when I got my SNES... Still have it but now serves as a glorified bookend lol. Some of my favs are the Disney games that Capcom put out, like Aladdin, Rescue Ranges 1 & 2, and Ducktales. Mario Kart, ofcourse, and Killer Instinct was good, though I prefered the arcade ver... lived near an arcade at the time, so i was good to go. There are def too many to name. I can say though, that since getting into emulation, I have played almost every game available, though not in a while. Since I'm back home now and without a job, I'm gonna dig up my old drive with my goodsets and get crack'n! =D Holy COW! Welcome back ME! ... the last time you posted here on 1Emulation was 4 years ago in 2004. How have you been doing? Has it been that long? I've been good, GC. The site looks great! I spoke to Fatal on aim and he suggested that I should stop by.
  9. Really dig that vid Solidius. I remember way back when I got my SNES... Still have it but now serves as a glorified bookend lol. Some of my favs are the Disney games that Capcom put out, like Aladdin, Rescue Ranges 1 & 2, and Ducktales. Mario Kart, ofcourse, and Killer Instinct was good, though I prefered the arcade ver... lived near an arcade at the time, so i was good to go. There are def too many to name. I can say though, that since getting into emulation, I have played almost every game available, though not in a while. Since I'm back home now and without a job, I'm gonna dig up my old drive with my goodsets and get crack'n! =D
  10. lol thats too funny. they are both spawns of the devil, so it makes sense
  11. sshhhhhhh... CAPS = Yelling just tone it down a tad. we can hear ya just fine lol
  12. the link i posted above is pretty reliable. they have quick and responsive customer service and i have several friends that have ordered from them and do not regret it.
  13. i believe you mean http://www.winsunx.com/ they have very good prices last time i checked.
  14. its not down... i just locked you all out! teehee
  15. sure, some... ok, MOST of the members that dont post here often are only rom munchers, but im sure there are a few that have a better excuse. take me for example. i work alot of hours. two jobs and all. when i do have the time to stop by, i rarely ever post. i just usually check the boards for anyone breaking the rules, bad language, posting direct links etc. but thats me, and i guess im not the adverage member you are referring to.
  16. i use fce ultra. never had one problem playing a game with it. havent updated to a newer version in forever either. no need.
  17. snazzy emos gc. i like. lol
  18. heh... i was just about to post the exact same thing. it also happened to me, just not actually "during sex". it was before, while we were laying down for bed. as soon as my head hit the pillow, i was out cold. she didnt wake me up, but in the morning i got an ear full, believe me.
  19. i wear imitation vans that i bought from payless. even converse shoes are too expensive for just sneakers. for my day job, i wear my steel-toe black boots. ive had these for years. they are the same ones that i wear in the mosh pits when i go to the club. they have some teeth stuck in them, but they're still good. they have served me well.
  20. its a serious condition. im looking into it.
  21. i just got done watching a jackie chan flick, actually. he's the best. i think his worst movies were the rush hour ones and also that cowboy one he did. i think they made a sequel to that one too. they sucked. mainly cause they relied more on special effects (computer), rather than just him alone. i remember jackie's first attempt to make it in the u.s. with this one movie he made. it was prety lame, and didnt do well at all. so he went back to hong kong. rumble in the bronx was his second attempt to make it in hollywood, and we all know how that turned out. though, i like rumble in the bronx alot, i think it's success was the beginning of the end. after that, everyone wanted a peice of him. i also dig jet li, but you can not compare the two. they both have different styles to their fighting. jackie's is more like dance. and the way he uses his surroundings when he fights, is actually the essence of kung fu.
  22. definately one of the great character (method) actors of modern times. there are very few actors nowadays that can actually act, let alone, play a multitude of different characters at the drop of a hat. i wish he had made more films.
  23. bummer. i have quite a few sierra games on my pc at the moment. i dig thier sims the most i think. they got a new one coming out, or is out, about egypt. it looks pretty sweet. edit- oh yah, game i was thinking about is called children of the nile. im gonna pick it up.
  24. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!!!!!!!!!! at least its a link!!!!!!!!!!! that is pricless, simply pricless!!!!!!!
  25. am i one of those idiots that has a cell phone crammed into the side of thier head 24 fookin 7? NO!! i am not.
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