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Everything posted by ME!

  1. i used to be VERY into comics when i was younger, but now, like you, i only by the occasional book or two. my favs were uncanny xmen, xmen, spawn, batman, incredible hulk, and spiderman (all titles). theres probably some i am leaving out, but those are the major ones. now that i look, i must have near a million comics sitting in my closet at this moment. i still have some stored at my parents house too (they better still be there!! ). after i read 'em a couple of times, i bag 'em up, and store 'em away.
  2. you really running out of ideas huh? and, this forum isnt dying...ive seen MUCH worse. only differance between this one, and say a@h, is that 1emulation is cr@p free. ps- oh, i go to the maket on the corner for my bread, noodles, chicken and water. it doesnt have a name...just "Market". all my fruits and vegitables i get from the farm across the road.
  3. and the drama continues... today lik sang head alex kampl released an open letter to the press, speaking about the company's impending appeal, and his views on the court's decision: "I hope with the following information I am able to give you a little insight into the recent happenings and about the misleading press release of Nintendo. Before the Nintendo press release was distributed, I have delivered a Notice of Appeal to Nintendo, as well as to the High Court of Hong Kong. I am not exactly sure why Nintendo's press department didn't mention a word about it. The judgment was not a real trial yet, it was a Summary Judgment with a single judge. Usually such Summary Judgments are in case of bounced bank checks where no trial is needed and everything is straight forward. With all due respect to the High Court of Hong Kong, but no Intellectual Property (IP) specialist was assigned to this case. Already at the first hearing the judge mentioned that it's a pity Hong Kong has no IP specialist anymore and that he finds the copyright law of Hong Kong very confusing. After some research, it looks like the judge is a specialist in maritime law. He made several comments during the hearings which seemed to observers like this was his first IP case ever. The Summary Judgment itself was based on the Section 273 of the Hong Kong Copyright Ordinance about "circumventing a copy-protection". No copy-protection exists in the Gameboy or Gameboy Advance game cartridges. The judge didn't hear a specialist or at least an independent third-party expert opinion -- he took it for granted from the explanations by Nintendo that there is a copy-protection. Furthermore, the judge found that "by analogy with drugs, it [the section 273] is not aimed at the drug addict but at the drug trafficker." I fail to understand his logic, as this would mean that the drug store selling the injection needles to drug addicts or maybe even the manufacturer of the container where the drug addict keeps the drug could be held liable. After legal actions in the USA against Bung Enterprises in the late nineties (for selling and manufacturing videogame development and backup equipment) this was the second court judgment ever regarding products of this nature. Regarding information made available to me in the Court Room, the case against Bung and its US distributor Carl Industries Inc. was brought to an end in their disfavor by Bung not complying with Court Orders and not paying ordered penalties. The actual judgment was written by Nintendo representatives, without the judge properly going through the arguments. The legality or illegality of the products in question has therefore never been argued in a real trial anywhere in the world. A serious trial, with competent judges, is now definitely needed to settle the question once and for all. This is why I have decided to appeal. I am not happy about the direction where this is heading, neither are supporters and legitimate users of the tools. Again, I have to stress once more, that the very same hardware under attack is used by thousands of hobbyist users and even professional developers for legitimate purposes. Very embarrassing for Nintendo -- even the publisher who made the original game used in court for demonstrating purpose bought hundreds and hundreds of Flash Cartridges from my company for beta testing. And so did numerous other top 10 publishers listed in the stock market. The products I have sold are not circumventing any copy protections, same as a floppy disk drive and a 3.5" disk doesn't -- in fact there is no copy-protection existing, as is commonly known by the gaming industry. I completely understand Nintendo's fight against piracy, but I believe they are aiming at the wrong targets. With Digital Media and the Internet nowadays, publishers will have to change their strategy. They just can't win the fight against progress without removing our primary rights: presumption of innocence and the right for backup. Nintendo doesn't need to prove you are a pirate anymore, it is assumed you all are if you have the technical means to copy." whether lik sang will have any luck appealing the decision remains to be seen, but both companies are taking a very strong stance. things are going to get much uglier before they get better, it seems.
  4. yeppers, its true. the hulk cant fly, so he jumps. i thought everyone knew that. anyways... i probably wont see it at the theaters, mainly cause i havent the time. i havent even seen spider-man yet. i might get it on dvd, or just download it or something, dont know. i really dont like the movies they put out nowadays. too much attention is put on violence and special effects, and not enough on the plot and dialogue.
  5. that is freakin awesome DCL!! great job.
  6. Nintendo announced today that they have won their most significant anti-piracy case ever. The judgments that ruled in Nintendo's favor were against a Hong Kong firm named Lik Sang, who sold devices that were capable of copying Nintendo games and putting them on the internet for download. The ruleing ordered Lik Sang to pay Nintendo $5 million (Hong Kong) or about $641,000 US dollars. Nintendo originally sought $20 million US Dollars from Lik Sang in 2001 and 2002. The device at the heart of Nintendo's complaints would cost a consumer approximately $45.00 US dollars. The device would bypass the security features on a Nintendo Game Boy game and extract the software. The software would then be put onto cards and sold for use on Game Boy systems or the game could be uploaded to an internet site for unlimited download. "This was an important case for Nintendo in battling Internet piracy at its source," Daugherty told Reuters in a phone interview from the United States. "We're continuing to take aggressive actions in China." Both Nintendo and Microsoft have completely avoided the Chinese market due to piracy in that country. Nintendo estimates that they and their partners have lost approximately $650 million US dollars in the last year due to piracy. Nintendo also estimates that the entire industry has lost more that 3 billion due to products such as the one Lik Sang sold.
  7. Although Infinium Labs has been pretty secretive about their upcoming console, today they announced that they are looking for people to participate in the public beta testing process. The beta test is open to residents of the US and Canada who are at least 13 years of age. Interested gamers can register at http://www.phantom.net. The goal of the beta process, according to Infinium Labs, is for at least 100 "experienced" gamers to give the console a test drive and provide feedback on all of its functions. The Phantom will support games on demand, game rentals, game demos, seamless upgrades and patch management, and Infinium Labs claims that at launch, it will be the fastest console on the market. The Phantom also will come pre-loaded with a number of games. Its main draw is that its an "always on broadband device." This means that gamers will have all sorts of options, such as wireless connectivity, massive multiplayer gaming, and being able to demo games before purchasing or subscribing. Please be aware that you must have a reliable broadband Internet service that is capable of at least 1Mbps downstream in order to participate. Infinium Labs also would prefer "hard-core to moderate gamers with basic computer knowledge in the gaming arena." The beta launch is expected to begin in Q4 2003. Also, the Phantom supposedly will finally be revealed to the public for the first time at the Ultimate Gamers Expo, August 15-17th, 2003.
  8. go on the 1emulation dc hub. i myself have 80 sega cd isos that id be glad to share with anyone. check out the E.F™ Direct Connect Hub forum for more info.
  9. dont watch much tv, but when i do, its... cartoon network wb discovery channel fox news channel
  10. umm...my 120gb hd, for storing all those juicey roms and isos on. no more hunting for those cd-r back-ups. got 'em all right at my finger tips.
  11. sure. hold on while i pull this knife out of my back.
  12. i only worry about it if the emu i have has any problems. if it works good, no need to replace it.
  13. ME!! walks up to the ticket window, "One ticket to HK please. Whoops! Forgot my mask! DOH!!".
  14. its not the latest, but i use gens 1.91, and everything works good. i didnt have to change anything on my desktop either. also, i think the problem with the rom not loading may only be with the latest version, like you said. i guess you could just head over to the gens homepage and try each of the versions till you find one that works well. its http://gens.consolemul.com/ incase you didnt know.
  15. if i would have to be as detailed as solidius, then i would be here a VERY long time. especially if i have to enclude all the quarters ive spent at the arcade aswell. minus the quarters, and the games, consoles, etc ive gotten as gifts, id say its probably around $15000-20000. now add the price of all the games and all that ive gotten as gifts, it would probably be double, or even triple that.
  16. works fine for me under xp. what kind of issues are you having?
  17. ive never put gel in my hair. i am also one who cant be bothered with it. i am a man after all, and primping infront of the mirror is for girls. chicks dig soft hair anyways.
  18. yah, i know. i get the mame.dk news letter.
  19. its not nintendo's fault though. this was totally capcom's own doing.
  20. in a way, i hate updates aswell. especially when they come one on top of the other. its a pain.
  21. i totally agree, and capcom wonders why they are not selling enough of there games on the gc. to answer your question...NO!!! there is no differance between the psx versions of the games and the newly released gc versions. they were origionally going to sell them for 20 bucks a peice but changed their minds at the last minute. frankly, i dont kow what the heck they were thinking.
  22. ive seen a few eps of futurama and i didnt like it. the simpsons are way funnier. theyve proven they can do absolutely anything on that show and tackle any subject without it seeming, "too out of place", or unbeleivable. the simpsons could easily travel to the future and have it be alot funnier than anything futurama could dish out.
  23. hehe...Captain N-The Game Master. it had king hippo, simon belmont, dr willy and even a character named gameboy. actually, one of the better portrails of megaman was of the one in that cartoon. but, it seems, that every megaman cartoon or one that has megaman in it, can never get the character 100% right. they always forget something. i miss that cartoon though.
  24. come on now...its not that bad is it? plus, the flies are like my evil minions. they do whatever i say. MMUUUUHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!....god, im pathetic. truth is, i only laugh because it hurts. i need a hug.
  25. PLAY THEM ALL!!!!!! its a great series.
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