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Everything posted by ME!

  1. sorry. that's warez, and this is an emulation forum only. EDIT : did you mean pc engine??
  2. it looks like you need to change all the links to the images before they will show correctly. in the post above, is that what a tech told you was the problem? if so, he is saying that you have the images linked to your desktop, or the desktop of the guy who made the template...same differance. to fix it, you need to go back to the template and change each link, like so : FROM : file:///C/Documents%20and%20Settings/debbies/Desktop/e/images/dig_temp2_01.jpg TO : http://members.lycos.co.uk/neocream/dig_temp2_01.jpg with the address written the way it is above, the images are located in the same directory as the "index.html" should be. if you have anymore questions, just ask.
  3. hmm...i like lastblade 1 & 2 ALOT...but i will probably have to go with either fatal fury or samurai shodown, for those are the ones that i grew up playing the most. every day after school, on my bike ride home, i would stop by the burger king were they had a neogeo cab which contained fatal fury, samurai shodown and kof. id buy myself a large order of curly fries and a soda and plant myself infront of that baby until it was time to head home for dinner. MAN...those were the days.
  4. let me know when its up. i really want to see what it looks like.
  5. yeah, i read about this earlier on their homepage. i personally like the idea. it should raise the download speeds up a bit i think. before, the speeds were rather pathetic, ever since they made the change from the old server. i hope it works out well.
  6. i guess you mean your "main" page, when you say homepage? you should save it as "index.html" and when you upload it to the server, you always put it into the main directory, meaning...do not put it into a folder of its own. for all the other pages of your website, they would get their own personal directory of folder named the same as the page. for example..."roms.html" would get put into the "roms" folder. as for keeping it editable, idunno. i dont remember much about dreamweaver to be sure.
  7. consider yourself lucky to have never heard of her. she must be a misery that only us americans are subject to. picture a women that has had sooo many face lifts and nose jobs, that they only equally number that of michael jackson's. oh, and she has a pretty well known catch phrase..."can we talk?". ringing a bell yet? i certainly hope not, for your sake.
  8. "The E Bomb" eh? is that like joan rivers from the E channel? now that would scare the SH*T out of saddam huh? "very very deadly" indeed! *ME! checks out the link* woo!, thats a releif.
  9. id have to go with the origional gameboy first, then the gameboy advance sp. even though i havent played the gba sp yet, if the main feature if screen lighting (FINALLY!!!!!! ), then id say thats a huge step in the right direction. i remember with the origional gb, when my family and i would go on a trip in the car, i would play the gb till the sun went down, then i would switch over to the sega gamegear (for obvious reasons ). eventually, they did come out with the wormlite thing that hooked onto the gb, but that didnt do a damn bit of good IMO.
  10. i probably have the easiest job in the world. i work as an assistant manager of a newspaper printing and distribution center. basically, i go in to work at about 2:00 am, sit on my butt for about 4 hours infront of the computer(playing some nes), occasionally emerging from behind my desk to yell at someone. what makes the job even easier is that there is like 5 other people with the same job title as me, in turn, doing my job for me. so...like i said, "the easiest job in the world". funny thing is though...thats the problem, its TOO easy, and im bored out of my mind!!! im presently looking for another line of work, something more challenging. as soon as i find such a job, im quiting. hotel porter huh? will you be getting tips? jobs where you get tips are the best. when i was younger, i worked as a caddy at a country club, before that, as a grocery store bag boy, and at both jobs i got MAD tips!! that plus my regular wages, i was livin large.
  11. i just got one thing to say......ROCK 'N' ROLL!!!!!!!
  12. personally...i wasnt sure who came up with the name first. i only learned of "their" coveted list after you, Gamecop, put up yours. i checked their version out when someone on a software cracking forum, that i visit, gave me the password info. the list they had was really pathetic. there wasnt one site on there that i didnt already know of, and i had assumed that the existance of most of them was common knowledge. there was also WAY better sites that they didnt even mention.
  13. i can spot a pothead from a mile away. lookin at that dude, you know he's puffin the magic dragon. hmm...he hasnt been in hardly any of their latest commercials anyways. only one that i can think of. as annoying as he is, i still find him funny. mostly because he reminds me of an old friend of mine. i hope they still keep him on the payroll.
  14. its not a website, its a direct connect hub. also, this thread is WAY old.
  15. most emulators dont really require any installation. since they usually are downloaded in a zip file, all you have to do is unzip it an BOOM, its ready to go. after that its just a matter of putting the roms in the right directory and maybe choosing the correct settings for the games to play properly, but all emulators are different. so...to answer your question, YES, a moron can install and properly use an emulator with little or no trouble.
  16. idunno. i like the name emulforums. its already an established name within the scene, so, i think if you were to change it, it would just confuse some people.
  17. hey phil, good to see ya here. with a question like that, you really should have made a new thread. youd have a better chance of finding help. im sure someone here will be able to help you with this if you would just make a new thread.
  18. you mean, who would i pick to be my father if i had the choice? hmm...probably either hulk hogan or willy wonka. hulk hogan because id inheiret his size, and id probably get to wrestle with him in a few matches too. that would be cool! then again, it would be cool to be willy wonka's son too. when he'd die, id get the chocolate factory, including the oompa loompas. you gotta love that little song that they do. would probably get annoying after a while though. oh well...if that happened, id just put them up for sale on ebay.
  19. i have xp, and i switch back and fourth between gens and dgen. true...kega runs like cr*p on my pc.
  20. how about when someone thinks shaq is a great actor?
  21. my mother did the exact same thing, gave away my old nes carts when i was away at college. i came home during the holidays and saw what had happened. i FREAKED OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i rarely get angry and upset at a person to go as far as to yell at them, let alone yell at my mom, but this was the exception. in a minutes time i had her on the phone calling her friend, who's son, she had given them to. after that, lets just say i learned my lesson. i packed up all my games, comics, models, action figures...you name it, and took them back up to school with me. i never should have left them in the first place, but my mother had never done anything like that before. now...i can just look back on the whole incident and laugh and laugh and laugh...
  22. definately sounds intresting. ive been waiting for something like this to come out, it was only a matter of time. i cant really say if it will be a success til i see some games for it. plus they will have to worry about competing against 3 other consoles made by companies with well established names in the industry. actually, make that 4. i beleive neogeo is coming out with a new console aswell. even though the phantom has a totally different idea behind it, it is still a console, and i beleive this is something it will have to worry about. one thing is for sure, the next chaptrer of the console wars is going to be even more intresting to observe than the last.
  23. me!, you were actually banned from the repeating of posting porn links. i know ive heard that was the reason. its just that it ISNT true at all. i only posted 4 jpeg links to "softcore" nude pictures on one occation, in one post. so it cant be described as "repeated". plus, id like to add that like 20 other people were doing the SAME exact thing, but posting links to more graphic material then i. i also added a warning before my links, so not to offend anyone not intrested in viewing such material. anyways, the event is in the past though, and no longer matters to me.
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