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Everything posted by ME!

  1. yikes! i wish i knew dude. neorage seems to always have stinky audio compared to the other emus. i suggest just turning the sound down and throwing on some good 'ol slipknot. what could be better?
  2. hehe. im flattered... uhh, i think. i got some skillz, tossin the money into the slot, 4 feet away from the machine.
  3. happy bday. i have a brother and sister who have there birthdays right before christmas too. one is on the 20th, he other the 23rd. they always get scammed on their presents because everyone will just get them one for both occasions and call it done.
  4. somebody's gonna sleep well tonight.
  5. i havent seen any of them. i dont like going to the theater unless i have to, and then, its rarely anything i want to see. i have been wanting to see the lotr films for a while now, to see what all the fuss is about, but havent had the time to rent or buy the dvds. i will be doing so, though, this week, when im out doing my holiday shopping. the third one i will wait for, when it is released on dvd. also, ive heard they are making a prequel, or multiple prequels based on the hobbit, which naturally, took place before the lotr. again, i probably wont be seeing them in the theater, either.
  6. anything i want, i buy myself. i ask for nothing from friends and family, cause usually the things i want are a little too expensive. i would feel bad if they thought i were expecting to get, whatever it is i wanted, from them. this year, though, i am getting the following for myself... 1-building a new pc with a 3.2 ghz p4, 2gb of ram, 256mb radeon 9800 xt, and a dvd burner. 2-some games for my cube, like, double dash, soul calibur and some others i havent had the time to buy yet. 3-a gba sp and flash cart 4-a 30gb mp3 player 5-and some various dvds, like, tron, lotr 1&2, simpsons, futerama, family guy etc all i can say is thank god for christmas bonuses!!
  7. i never said it would be the appropriate death for him, or one inwhich he deserved. it just would have been in his best interest.
  8. yah, im kinda surprised they found him alive. seems a guy like him would be too proud to ever be captured by his enemies. if i were him, i would of shot myself in the head. now he's really screwed.
  9. ... i think you just killed emsley!!
  10. it was still pretty cool man. maybe we should all strive to do the same thing... but for real.
  11. closest thing we got to that is the fast reply option. its just as good.
  12. good to hear. i figured it was something like that.
  13. nice user name, by the way. SPAMS AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ps- yes, and bye the way, i am also soooooooooo sick of people pming me asking for roms, emulators, or whatever. its always 0 posters too. if anyone reads this, dont do it, cause i wont answer you.
  14. try using clrmamepro to clean up your set a bit. you can select for it to try and fix your roms size, by deleting unneeded files, if they are too big. if the rom files are too samll, then you will just need to download them again from a different source than before. sorry, but with the message you are getting, i think you will need to go with the latter, and download the roms again.
  15. this is an eternal problem, isnt it? sorry to say, but, i believe it will keep on being so.
  16. i remember that cartoonie. it wasnt half bad, back in the day. i had no idea they still ran it up until recently. maybe cause i dont watch tv... idunno. i remember my friend wearing a rocko shirt, one day, back in high school. we all threw him in a garbage can. he never wore it again, after that.
  17. dont get your panties in a twist. basically, the only differance is more, and, or, different characters. ofcourse, the graphics improve a bit as you look at one, from the next, and so on, but its not that big of an improvment.
  18. this was actually another time, in the past, that they took their roms down, which we were descussing. this thread is kinda old.
  19. well, ive never used the program above, but there is something similar to what you are describing already out, or coming out (not sure which). one is a series of cartoon episodes put out by 4kids entertainment, which come on gba carts, and you guessed it, are for watchng on your gba. also, someone else is releasing gba carts with hour long animated movies on them. so, if the big boys can do it, theres gotta be a way for us to. ps- if you want more info, heres the article which i posted on my, now dead, forums.
  20. 2d side scrollers.
  21. don't want to wait 10 years then buy one. they are only 100 bucks.
  22. what did i tell ya... an angel.
  23. right now im listening to "send in the clowns" by the lovely and talented barbra streisand. dont you guys all think she has the voice of an angel.
  24. click me!
  25. topic moved to the suggestions forum.
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