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Everything posted by ME!

  1. i was wondering what happened to the old hub. good to hear its back. i should be popping in sooner or later.
  2. yah, it looks tight. i cant wait for this one.
  3. yah, there are no more good sites out there that host roms. mame.dk is dead, Pulciaro is dead, and emuchina (aka romshare) is crap. my advice, get on direct connect. there are quite a few good hubs around, and with a little searching, you can build a descent collection of roms.
  4. homer simpson
  5. mario, ofcourse. he's "the mickey mouse" of the video game world.
  6. im a bit of a fitness buff. i exercise constantly and only eat what comes straight out of the ground, or straght out of an animal, save milk. im pretty ripped, but you wouldnt be able to really tell unless i had my shirt off. ive had people tell me my arms look like road maps because of all the veins. guess that comes from being able to bench more than two times my body weight. my goal is three times my body weight or more. i think that would be something. right now im focasing more on my legs. if one is not careful, they can get carried away with working the upper body, while ignoring the lower, and may start to develope chicken legs.
  7. So the games aren't playable right? no, not playable. people are just getting the isos so they wont have to later. ofcourse, its going to be, like, ten years till they will be worth anything. so, no need to drive yourself mad, trying to get them in a hurry.
  8. my wmp loads just fine. i dont have a top of the line pc at the moment either. its about a yaer and a half old. i just like having all my files sorted in one place. nice and neat.
  9. i havent dressed up for halloween since i wa in the 5th grade. after that i would just throw a stocking over my head and egg the hell outta people as the walked by my house. teaches them for tryin to steal my candy. now that im an old man, i dont pay attention to the holiday anymore. it usually doesnt even dawn on me that it is halloween til some dumb little kids come banging on my door. when that happens i just tell em that i ate all the candy, but i can let them smell the empty wrappers if they want.
  10. i use widows media player for all the files on my hd, for i have them all cataloged in the app's library. if im wanting to watch something on cd, i usually use mplayer2.
  11. god, i love that game. that thing was permentely locked into my old gameboy back in the day. such a simple concept can be so addictive. its truely one of the greatest games of all time imo.
  12. dont eat candy anymore, but when i did, i used to like gummie bears alot. for chocolate bars, i used to like snickers, twix, and kit kats.
  13. serves him right. watch, i bet they put the tiger to sleep, now.
  14. thats how ours work aswell in the us. most likely it was either a scratch-off ticket of some type, or she was just stupid. i douht it was a state lottery, cause those use machines to scan the tickets, like you said. at least my state does.
  15. that would be a good idea for a site. one where someone has made scans of all the cards for the game. a person would then just have to print em out on some glossy paper, cut em to size, and play. back to the topic... i remember the poor, pathetic kids that would play this game when i was in school. before class, in the mornings, and during lunch break, you would see these kids sitting in a circle on the ground. they would get picked on constantly. it was sad. i myself played AD&D for a long time, but i never let anyone know about it. bye the way, now i play star wars galaxies, for the pc, and it ROCKS!!!
  16. hehe... under the bed, chillin with da boogieman.
  17. i enjoyed both games.
  18. just use winkawaks for the "266" set. it works good. neorage always has messed up sound, kinda.
  19. you dont know the dew?!! mountain dew, man. DO THE DEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! man, i cant believe you guys dont have mountain dew in the uk. its mind boggling!! i dont really drink soda, though. only on occasion. i drink evian waters. much healthier.
  20. i might try it.
  21. i can help you with your second question. they are all about the same size. the differance is in the name of the rom files. first, open up the zip file. if each rom file starts with "pim", then you have the neorage version. if it starts with "266", then you have the kawaks version.
  22. and i usually say, "well, ive got a prostate the size of a bagel, but, other than that, im just peachy."
  23. its sad really. the guy is a member of, like, every emu forum on the net, and he visits them all on a regular basis. i dont know where he finds the time, but its clear, the guy basically lives inside his pc. i take it, he is trying to make a name for himself in the scene, which is why i figure he goes to so many forums. whether people thing him a great guy, or a jackass, must not matter to him... as long as he's known.
  24. nowadays, movies are just like music... dead. all the good ideas have been taken. if they havent been taken, well then, they shouldnt be. they see their only hope, to make a film work, is to glam it up with cgi and special effects. its gotten so bad that most people will only go see movies entirely for their special effects, rather than the story. oh god, and when they try and remake a classic film, nothing sucks more. its like, "da, yah, we're all out of ideas, so lets take a movie that everyone loves, and destroy it. our excuse will be that we are "paying tribute" to a classic film, by putting the story, dialogue and characters through a strainer, and then filling in the gaps left over with cgi, cgi, oh yah... and more cgi." anyways, the worst movie i have ever seen... Moulin Rouge. i dont know what in the hell was going on there. second place, goes to the 2001 remake of the 1968 classic sci-fi film... Planet of the Apes. out of all the horrorable remakes i have seen, this one takes the cake.
  25. welcome. i have to tell ya, though, not reviving old topics, is common knowledge. im not mad or anything, just make sure you dont do it again. to answer your question, sharing on dc with others is a very good way to give some back to the scene. websites which host roms are basically a thing of the past, so dc and other p2p progs are all thats left. so, if youd like, get on one of the hubs, listed in these forums, and get sharing.
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