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  1. well, here is what i need to do, "use the MAME 0100u1 source. To get this you need MAME 0100 and then patch it with the 0100u1 diff. Then copy over the MAME Plus source. The MAME 0100u1 diff added this file." just got from the official forum..now humm..eheh, does anyone as 0100 src?
  2. im gonna re-install mingw, lets see if this time with a clean install i dont get the same error.
  3. hi all, james, im did that, even before i first tried to compile it, but anyway did it again and still the same mistake. hum is it a "diff" problem? im leavin work in a sec, so when i get home i have more time. Thanx for the replies so far
  4. no, i just downloaded both the latest src that is on mame.net and the latest src that is on the official mame32p site. and then, overrided the mame src with the plus source. i need the mame src (u)?
  5. hi, the string i used is the normal: mingw32-make WINUI=1 SUFFIX=32 and i have NASM from previous genesis builds.
  6. Hi there folks, first time writin in the forum. Iv been compiling my own versions of Mame mainly for fun and to add drivers etc, now, i decided i whanted to compile Mame32 plus, but i get this error: mingw32-make ** No rule to make target `obj/mame32p/drivers/coinmstr.o´, needed by `obj/mame32p/otherz80.a´. Stop. Im using Mame 0100s and Mame32p Source v0.100u1 Does anyone have any idea ? Thanx alot in advance, great forum, very helpfull
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