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  1. cool... whatever just do it fast xD
  2. maybe you could somehow get it to send srenshots of the comp 2 the ds and save to card. orr you could get the comp 2 brocast sound to the DS speakers or add little remote pranks lik e open close cd drive srew up screen or somethin and those would be cool (but hard)
  3. thx P.S. killed u again... bored
  4. thats why there was no stettings.ini it didnt come with one hahah i killled yoou excel inferno
  5. yah same run-time error '53' : file not found could some one plz fix or post 0.2.4
  6. yup
  7. thanks for the mac viewer (yay more security)
  8. i was just wondering if i got a mario cart ds rom (not going to) i know every game has some special code for wifi, would it work online???
  9. I was just wondering if I need to buy a gba flash cart to use the Wifi support once it's out? If I do, could someone recommend me a cheap one? Thanks in Advance.
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