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Everything posted by garyoak99

  1. Mika Nakashima - Yuki no Hana
  2. I agree; the soldiers in both World Wars didn't have video games and they killed plenty of people.
  3. Good point! It's too bad this was a survey done by a MEN'S Health Magazine though! Do women's health magazines ever have surveys like this?
  4. Woah! Then that makes this movie even funnier! What were those scenes?
  5. Then how do you explain that logo with the two giant snakes wrapping themselves around that jet airliner?
  6. .hack//sign - Key of the Twilight
  7. What do you think of this withdrawal? Is this a good idea for Israel? Will this cease-fire work?
  8. What do you think of this survey? Is it even remotely accurate?
  9. I would be surprised if the investors were even following the company's news that closely to begin with! Only ignorant people would be dumb enough to invest in such a company!
  10. Fiction Junction featuring Yuu - Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Suite Vol. 1 - Akatsuki no Kuruma
  11. I just took that shower; it didn't seem to help much! Any other suggestions?
  12. Does anyone have any idea how to get rid of my back pain? I think I got it when I carried picked up five hard cover books and I walked with them in front of me for an hour.
  13. Naruto - Sadness and Sorrow
  14. Mika Nakashima - Yuki no Hana
  15. Key of the Twilight - .hack//sign
  16. I loved this movie! It was SOOOO funny! The characters in them were caricatures and yet in some places they were realistic too! Heck; even the name Ricky Bobby is funny! You'll like how they open the movie! Jean Girard is awesome as the villain and he's funny too! The movie is so smart and so funny that it even surprised me and I watch movies nearly every week! It's definitely worth the price of admission!
  17. WOAH! That is a HUGE library of games! It would take you a LONG time to play through that many games! I have to see this to believe it though!
  18. Please do explain THAT concept to me; I don't understand how that is even possible!
  19. Fiction Junction featuring Yuu - Mobile Suit Gundam Seed CD vol. 1 - Akatsuki no Kuruma
  20. .hack//sign - Fake Wings
  21. Thanks! I will try to listen to them all when I have the time to search for them!
  22. Yes, but we can have faith knowing that there will always be people among the Muslim community who would inform the British government of such plots by alleged terrorists!
  23. I don't know about "best" but if it's 700 bucks then it should have EVERY extra feature installed on it.
  24. Love to me is a high level of respect or admiration. Perhaps he just needs some love?
  25. I'm going with the Wii since I've been a happy Nintendo customer in the past!
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