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Everything posted by SuperKoopa

  1. Neat. Nice to have another very knowledgable person on here.
  2. Ook.. haven't checked in here for a while. I picked this up and it is a beauty. It runs at 30 fps on all low settings with an ATI x700 Pro (Equivalent to a GeForce 6600) but still very enjoyable. I dislike the framerate drops and bloated static engine, but it is extremely fun and intuitive. I finally completed all the quests for the Thieve's Guild so now I am the Guildmaster and got a free house from it. I'm a level 20 Journeyman of Sneak, Speechcraft, Athletics, Acrobatics, Marksman, Security, and Mercantile with 100 Agility and 92 Speed. Some couple annoying perks, but definitely a gem.
  3. Holy nice! I don't subscribe to EGM but this quite a feat, maybe you guys will gain a lot more members. Major props to Sypherce and the whole 1emu team. Congrats!
  4. They should be. Silly third world countries.
  5. It's going to be all the rage in the Sudan, I can tell.
  6. Well, it definitely should. It has great battery life, great games, Nintendo supported online play, and a touch screen. It's not something that tries to smash every possible use together into one mediocre experience.. *cough*
  7. If I could go to Japan, I'd be all over this like a priest on an altar boy.
  8. Holy CRAP. Now they think they're going to rebuild that after they obliterated most of it.. wow.
  9. Oh yes GC, what happened with that radio? It just connected forever, didn't even give me any ICY error. Haha, not to make you multitask more or something.
  10. Yeah. Merry Christmas everybody.
  12. Cracked in a few days? Damn. Nice.
  13. Oh hells yes. See you in space, guys.
  14. Nice. I liked the song.
  15. When I did some research on it, it turns out it's called Ersatz. I downloaded it and hosted it on my FTP. Enjoy. Mod's edit: Do not post links to commercial songs
  16. Knowing that the dongle will only cost $35, I'll definitely be getting it instead of a router. If it was $50 or something, I'd probably get a router.
  17. Neither www.nintendowifi.com or www.mariokart.com are finished and they both say "Coming in November." It is November, Nintendo! Get your craps together! Comments/Bitching welcome.
  18. Majorly cool, a public Pictochat server using tunneling would be sa-weet!
  19. Yay. Go sgstair. I would donate if I had a paypal account or any money, at all. :3
  20. Buck Bumble!? That game was amazing. I loved that game. Ah, memories.
  21. As I've been looking at DDR: Mario Mix, I start to cry just a little more. I love DDR, I have a pad and Extreme myself, and can play almost every song on heavy. The thing I'm worried about is the required skill level. I'm thinking since this is a Mario game and comes geared toward kids, it's going to be easier. The websites say it will. I'll just be sticking to DDR.
  22. I've been looking at the reviews.. doesn't look all too promising. Besides, I'm not into the Doom series.
  23. I concur wholeheartedly. Heheh.
  24. Haha I killed you sgstair. Haha I killed you again.
  25. Happy 25th birthday to Dragon_5.56!
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