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Everything posted by SuperKoopa

  1. I can certainly tell you what I am looking forward to. Hmm, let me make a list: Mario Kart DS - (WiFi, Of course!) Animal Crossing: Wild World - (I can live with my online friends and pay rent and everything! XD) Viewtiful Joe: Double Trouble - I think this will be an excellent port, it's made for the touch screen. Mario and Luigi 2: Partners in Time - Now I just have to finish Superstar Saga! ): Nintendogs: Holiday Edition - One word: puppies. Metroid Prime: Hunters - Will probably be a great multiplayer game, Metroid is great in general, anyways. Here's what should happen on the DS: Ever heard of Okami? It's a game where you use some sort of power to slash things with the analog stick (PS2) to fight and such. Touch Screen, mmmkay? MMORPG - Perfect for the DS. And it'd be totally awesome. So, what are your wanted games/happenings?
  2. I think most people here are set, though. Just stay inside and don't touch bird feces! Sorry GC, you'll just have to live without the little brown bundles of joy.
  3. Nice, looks cleaner. Good work.
  4. Well.. that's never going to happen.
  5. YAY Profanity!
  6. It looks like a video to me....... YAY MOVING TEXT!
  7. Umm.. cool! I didn't really get much of that, but yay!
  8. I'm personally just going to wait and see what the game sites say about it.. I don't really like pinball that much, especially the virtual kind. The Rumble Pak does look rockin', though.
  9. Hm. Well, I still could go either way. I don't think I really have room for a router over here, but I don't really need a dongle, because I don't really plan on playing through DS WiFi anywhere but here at my house. Gah.
  10. Wow. That sounds incredibly complicated. I hope the GUI is generally not as complicated.. I could learn.. but yeah.
  11. Rofl. Seriously. I can see all the fans of Penny Arcade and PAX foaming at the mouth with the quote, "The moral midgets like the computer geeks at Penny Arcade think that I am some sort of pixelated piñata in a game." Seriously, he is saying that Penny Arcade is criminally harassing him, yet he is insulting Penny Arcade creators/fans by openly calling them computer geeks and moral midgets, whilst knowing they just donated $10,000 to charity!? Isn't that just as insulting as a goddamned T-Shirt that says, "I Hate Jack Thompson"? Really. Someone needs to tell him to get that stick out of his ass and quit blaming violence on entertainment, while claiming to contact the police with reports he never filed? Sad, sad, Thompson. </rant>
  12. It will come out when it comes out, let him work!
  13. I dunno why it's not loading up, and I know you can't use HTML here... XD I had it meant for if someone like robbbert or GameCop saw it they could add it to the frontpage..
  14. I could probably bum a router off of my Grandpa..
  15. 1Emulation Frapper Map Post your name and location on the Frapper Map today! Weeee... (I even put up that sexy little 1emu image in the top right... teeheehee). Edit: Also, you can put this little handy code on the frontpage: <a href="http://www.risingconcepts.com/frapper/1emulation"><img src="http://www.risingconcepts.com/frapper/i/frapper_sticker.gif" border="0" alt="Check out our Frapper!" title="Check out our Frapper!"></a> And it will come up as With a link to our map! Edit 2: I know this should probably go into weblink exchange but it'll get more.. "publicity" persé, here.
  16. Nintendo WiFi $50 Dongle or good $50 Router? Router advantages: + Could be more useful because it can route.. anything + May last longer, not as easy to lose? Router disadvantages: - Would be hard to setup in infrastructure mode (although it looks like Mario Kart DS is in Ad-Hoc.) Dongle advantages: + USB + Just plugin, window, and go Dongle disadvantages: - Costly for a little USB thing that can only route to the DS - Easy to lose -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- So, do you think I should be a $50 Router or a $50 Dongle? What would you buy? Answers appreciated!
  17. Webopedia. The computer encyclopedia. Wikipedia. The everything encyclopedia. Yay.
  18. /me puts tinfoil hat on
  19. DS. Torrents (preferably Azureus). 'Nuff said. Of course that would be insanely impossible to script with the Java and stuff, but it's creative! (And you'd need a web browser... and something to watch videos or music or whatever the hell you're downloading..
  20. IRC Client is my vote. Just so you can be in GameStop and chat via WiFi and tell your buddies about something.
  21. Very nice. I will definitely be ordering this when it comes in the states.. with Mario Kart. ! Awesome. Thanks GameCop.
  22. Hello. I'm Super Koopa and am looking into getting the homebrew scene of things but have enjoyed ZSNES for a while. I'll be hanging around the DS forums. Woo.
  23. Well, that Lexar reader, yeah, I saw it. But it's only a reader.. how am I going to write the files to it? Edit: Ooh, cheap. Good brand. Think this CF Card would work?
  24. Alright, get ready for a giant SuperKoopa's cheapest-supplies-he-could-find list! Yay! Now I need someone to tell me if all of these will work. CompactFlash Card - (I couldn't find a 16 or 32 but this is cheap?) Will it do? CompactFlash Reader/Writer? Will this write? - It says it can write, "from one media type to another, making it easy to transfer images from one card or camera to another." Tell me if it can work! GBA MP + Super Passkey w/ Box - It's a given. Wireless Router - This is the cheapest Router I could find, considering I couldn't find anything except laptop WiFi cards. It's possible that my grandpa could let me have one of his D-Link fairly expensive routers, as well. No matter how I look at it though, I'm going to get a Wireless Router for DS WiFi with Mario Kart DS and Animal Crossing: Wild World. So that's it, replies thanked in advance! -SuperKoopa
  25. I don't have either. I guess whichever one is cheaper would be the best. Hm. Looks like a router is cheaper. I bet my grandpa has one he's not using, anyways. This stuff is EXPENSIVE!
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