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Everything posted by bubbleboy

  1. i know that im being a problem but im desperate if anybody can help me get the pokemon roms in english can you send an email to bigbadbeav@hotmail.com or preferably send me a message through this site
  2. sorry is there anyway that you can tell me?
  3. can someone give me the exact link because ive tried everywhere and i cant find it
  4. runescape aparentl has been a popular rpg online game and you have the choice of being a member or not. Mind due if you become a member you have to pay monthly
  5. The only thing im listening to is the noise coming from the tv behnd me i think it might be from a pokemon
  6. I dont know how you all can say that the day after tomorrow is crap, i think it os one of the best movies ive seen and i have seen a lot of movies
  7. Look i know that its still early but when aproximately would the day after tomorrow come out on dvd???
  8. Whats your favourite???
  9. yeah but when you rhink about it Square do a good job on console/s like PS2 gamecube etc. It is a lot harder when it comes to handheld things like gba
  10. come on everyone vote i want a good idea about what sort of Rpg's people like
  11. i know i forgot sorry bout that if you want to vote for the golden sun games put a message down instead
  12. i have both 1 and 2 but havn't gotten around to playing them so i hope they are as good as you all say they are
  13. If there are any others that you like please feel free to mention them. Maybe not all of these are RPG's in your opinion but in mine they are so sorry if you dont agree.
  14. you can think what you like super samsh bros melle is in front by 3000+ votes looks like itll be a good comp this time The Final 4 Mario 3 vs Chrono Trigger Final Fantasy VII vs Super smash bros melle (at the moment)
  15. come on everyone make the right choice
  16. cmon everyone make the right choice go to www.gamefaqs.com and vote for super smash bros melle quick because the voting only lasts a day ps i just wanna see a high class game to go up against chrono trigger it needs some competition
  17. but i use super2xsai
  18. In my opinion who cares so long as it does the job and if you have a better one than someone else well good on you but it isn't really important
  19. they dont have them but like i said thanks for the help anyway
  20. Golden Sun 1 & 2 Breath of Fire Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Sword of Mana Zelda Mario + Luigi superstar saga and more but i havnt played them
  21. can someone give me a direct link to a site (in english) so that i can get van helsing on gba please thanks
  22. i doesnt have it but thanks anyway
  23. i have got the tiny tapper and im trying to get the earth geode on the road to topple. But for some reason the tapper wont make me small someone help
  24. someone please help me
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