i know that im being a problem but im desperate if anybody can help me get the pokemon roms in english can you send an email to bigbadbeav@hotmail.com or preferably send me a message through this site
runescape aparentl has been a popular rpg online game and you have the choice of being a member or not. Mind due if you become a member you have to pay monthly
If there are any others that you like please feel free to mention them. Maybe not all of these are RPG's in your opinion but in mine they are so sorry if you dont agree.
you can think what you like super samsh bros melle is in front by 3000+ votes looks like itll be a good comp this time The Final 4 Mario 3 vs Chrono Trigger Final Fantasy VII vs Super smash bros melle (at the moment)
cmon everyone make the right choice go to www.gamefaqs.com and vote for super smash bros melle quick because the voting only lasts a day ps i just wanna see a high class game to go up against chrono trigger it needs some competition