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Everything posted by alexa999

  1. This is a really amazing piece of software. You did an AMAZING job programming this tight and convientent homebrew.
  2. OMG I connected!!! SgStair you are the greatest, you are a GOD. OMG now for WiFi apps to my heart's content! THANKS TONS
  3. sgstair, I have never been able to connect successfully with your lib. This was because of lack of WEP support, but that is working now. I just spent a while configuring my wifi settings in mario kart to use a static IP. I was able to connect to WFC successfully. Then I start the test app included in the v0.3 examples, and I cannot connect with the WFC settings. It is always stuck on ASSOCSTATUS_SEARCHING. I don't know what to do because I have tried everything I can think of. Any help is appreicated! (I really wanna get some of these kick ass wifi apps goin.)
  4. If you go to like E3 or something you might hit the limit.
  5. Thank you for the test app sgstair! It so awsome seeing progress right in my own hands! I am so thankful, although its not thanksgiving anymore... I have downloaded like everything you have shown related to this project, I even have a sgstair folder! (See below) With the wardriving app I found like seven wireless networks unencrypted that mkds and my laptops network card knew nothing about!
  6. You could do FlashMe, but you need a gba cart the first time around.
  7. Update w00t! To most it will seem that the percentages have gone down but sgstair has just made a much more percise progress report.
  8. Those are some critical features, but with friend codes you CAN choose who you want to play against.
  9. I know man, theres been like no new posts.
  10. Thats pretty cool! More than just ralink cards can be used to connect to nintendo wfc!
  11. Update Update Update! But no change in percentages...
  12. I have never heard of this. What the hell can you do with this?
  13. No this won't because we currently can't sign our homebrew, so it could only be a problem with FlashMe but then you are able to reflash it. You don't need to be so scared, there's a lot of crapware for your computer and you still go online. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hurray! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> We still do wanna sign homebrew...
  14. You could have it search for any ds sending off ANY wireless signal. Like ds download play, pictochat, etc. You quickly glance around and spot him. "Hey wanna play?", "Sure."
  15. I'm REALLY interested in intercepting pictochat messages from my DS, I draw great stuff in there!
  16. WOW those numbers went up fast! I was wondering what the internet WMB server would let us do. I know the internet pictochat is for doing pictochat online but what will the WMB server do. Will it be like this? Click here to download my demo! (look at the url) and it will stream the nds demo off the site? or do you have something else in mind?
  17. I see what you guys are saying. Sgstair has figured out how the attenna works, wrote his own tcp/ip stack (which still blows my mind ), and is creating a library homebrew developers can control. You can play on MK but the possibilities are endless with his lib. I am equally phyched for both releases (MK and dswifi) so keep up the awsome work!
  18. Just to tell you sgstair, time is running out. by NO means do I want you to rush and do a crap job. I'm just saying that mkds comes out monday. if you finish after that, it won't make such a big bang on the community. Most comments will be like "I already got wifi on my ds," "mariokart ownz," etc. I just think everyone will be very excited if it is finished before the release of mariokart and tonyhalk. (Tonyhalk comes out day after mkds) So yeah, if you want the most praise from the community, finish soon.
  19. Mabye it could beep?
  20. wtf theres rankings?! the games arent even out yet. OMG one of em's Darkain!
  21. Awsome! mariokart.com as well!
  22. I was wondering the same thing, its been a week since an update!
  23. The original FlashMe page is back up. I wonder what happened to it to make Loopy switch hosts...
  24. I have a router but i'll probably buy a dongle anyway, it probably has a lot of capabilities.
  25. It would completely brick your DS making it unable to boot. @loopy: Holy Sh*t! Thank YOU LOOPY
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