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Everything posted by RobM

  1. RobM


    Sooo... I am guessing it is dead?
  2. RobM


    Great idea! I would love to have RSS on my DS! Can't wait!
  3. Got it working. All WiFi settings have to be preset, not auto. Any plan on releasing the source?
  4. RobM


    Can't wait for.3!
  5. Very nice! Too bad I still can't connect.
  6. Hi, try to type in the address: If this works the problem could be the DNS server not set correctly. If hat doesn't work, it can be the IP configurationor something else. Can you connect with the other wifi programs? Bafio <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Still does not work I can run Win2DS fine, FYI.
  7. Yes, yes it is.
  8. Same issue... except I can't even see dschat.kicks-ass.org
  9. RobM


  10. RobM

    Win2DS v0.4

    That was teh fast. *Tests it out*
  11. RobM


    I think I know what it is too. It's early next week, where is the app?
  12. It's not this, your computer must have spyware on it. Lets ban all the n00bs!
  13. Here ya go: http://z13.zupload.com/download.php?file=g...e&filepath=8218
  14. Both versions work fine for me. Good job!
  15. RobM


    Don't give up! Keep working on it.
  16. Hi, same here! I can't get past the waiting screen, and the server says it cannot bind to the port (wich is free), I don't even get the firewall popup as normally. Is there some library file missing on the distribution? I was just myself starting to work on a thing like this, but I guess there is already many people working on it now... Just one idea: why not try to load and save the settings to the CF using the simple readconfig and writeconfig that are in my WiFi transfer program? You can find the source code on the website http://bafio.drunkencoders.org It's far from perfect, but allows to avoid entering the detail each time... Plus it could be kind of a standard until we get the settings from the lib Bafio <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Some of us use a FlashCart, not that.
  17. I agree. Great job Sintax!
  18. Noobs should be banned from the homebrew community. (Not you Sintax)
  19. They are both in early stages of development, and yes, as of now Win2DS is looking a lot better, but you never know. It is too early to tell.
  20. i am posting from my ds! A LOT better from the other one, just add zoom and it will be a lot nicer [edit] stoped refreshing after i posted this, had to reconnect
  21. RobM


    Umm... you get revived for free automatically. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah. Server side: "/run cmd" Opens a command prompt; "/run C:\example.exe" Opens example.exe, and ect... DS Side: Custom client with save config feature, and looks something like this:
  22. Nothing happens when I open server.exe...
  23. RobM


    Umm... you get revived for free automatically.
  24. RobM


    Looking good. Everything working smoothly. One more suggestion, have /run cmd or /run w/e act as a normal run command as you would via Start -> Run. It also be nice to see iTunes support.
  25. iTunes > WMP
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