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  1. Those are interesting points guys, but does anyone have any thoughts on the (neowave)Young, Nightmare Geese Howard idea directly?
  2. Hyper neo geo 64? can you emulate that?
  3. what system did ff wild ambition come on again?
  4. hhhhey man that's not what this post is about, I wanted a discussion about (neowave) young geese combined with nightmare to make the ultimate boss!
  5. I know that... The reason I didn'nt mention it is that the aof2 geese was the secret boss because he was simply the true boss of southtown. he wasn't thought of as a stronger version or anything. just plain ol' geese. but the idea of the young geese from neowave is that after all the fighting experience and mastery he's gained, he's athleticness has suddenly been renewed/rejuvenated/brought back/increased etc... (or so i've heard) I personally think he got all his imortallity scrolls and used them. But wouldn't all that combined with nightmare geese make the ultimate boss?
  6. You know who wood be the ultimate boss... young nightmare geese howard. the nightmare geese from rbffspecial was awsome, and the recently young athletic geese howard with experience of old one from kof neowave had great defense and offense and speed and all that... but if snk combined the 2, you would get the greatest snk boss ever! ( please do not reply if you do not like geese howard, and do not think he is cool.)
  7. I'm done here, but if anyone wishes to carry on by all meens carry on.
  8. I guess James&Robbert have no mercy, WHY COULDN'T YOU JUST SHOW SOME SYMPATHY FOR ME, COULDN' YOU JUST EMAIL ME! James you have a pacman for an avatar, but that doesn't hide your ruthlessness. I MEAN I'VE SEARCHING FOREVER! but all you beasts could think about was romlistings, and websites,...etc...AND YOUR STUPID MOD POSITIONS! Didn't I ask nicely? didn't I spill my guts? didn't I plead for help? And please, if you don't have anything serious to say regarding this post directly don't bother at all!
  9. Which would probably be better, getting an X-box 360, or a modchip?
  10. Speaking of NGBC will it come out on any systems? (not just north america.)? and do modchips hurt/slow down/harm glitch etc... your ps2?
  11. I was actually told this by many people. besides alot of places say different things. I know most games by snk are coming out for x-box, but that's just for now.
  13. dang, that means I couldn't get neowave or neogeo battle colloseum unless I was loaded with enough money to buy from an arcade that would be willing to sell me the arcade machine, or got a modchip and imported it, or I would just have to wait until 2007 when snk brings games to the ps2 that were denied by SCEA.(I think they're on bad terms with Snk).
  14. PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY GOD, ive been trying toget svc chaos for ps2 for 2 yeeeeeeaaaarrrrsss!! now that i've emulated it i can play it!!!!! but it's been my dream to play as Honki Ni Natta Mr. Karate for two years! i have nrx4 there wer three roms in the list bl, plus, plusa, i've been searching all over the place trying all the sites and forum places I could with all the search strings possible, pleeeeeese, if u can find any sympathy in your heart, at least pleease tell me where u could tell me or email me at either master_kyokugen@yahoo.com, or prime_thunder@yahoo.com. please this is all the heartfelt truth, strait from the bottom of my heart. please... don't turn your back on me guys, I don't know where else to go...
  15. So, are you guys saying it's a system, or is it only available as an entire arcade machine like the kof neowaves in arcades?
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