doublec.. you have limited internet access? why, what is your internet, do you need unlimited dial up? I will send you an email here in a few minutes, be checking your mail, hope that you cleaned your inbox. I will find your email on your dsemu site, I hope you get it, check it right away. Also... please no one send me an email about this, I just like to let him have the ability to be on forums more, upload his new emu versions without the limit of internet access and just all around want to allow him to be online. I know what that is like to be limited to what you can have, so please check your email. Please no spam my inbox and don't sign me up for junk mail. :/ When you send me email, make sure you add a good subject, or I'll just take it as junk mail, if you say I got your response, click now to find out more, that sounds like a fake and of course it is. I usually just select all and delete because it is too much email and most junk mail. I hope to hear from you, looking forward to it! Also, what games presently can be playable on your dsemu version, and what will be in your next? You don't have to say, or if you want, tel me in your email. Oh and I found a website that will let me have free unlimited storage and around I think 1 gigabyte in size of each upload. I can give you the link if I can find it, I'll try through my email. This would be a good thing because I could then have others re-direct to that for downloads, I would think it would be good for you too for dsemu to be re-directed through there fast servers that are enormous in size, again you don't have to if you don't want to use something like that, just a suggestion that would upgrade/improve traffic/download transfer speeds as well as popularity in your content, you can even add pictures to the front of the server on the site where you want to show others top rated - most downloaded, and other content, I use another site though but I use the server for my files now and I have viewers of the site click on the links to the server or at least thats going to be my idea. I know I say way to much, I have way to much on my mind. :/ Sorry for all this typing, I guess it was better than tripple-replies for the filtering on this forum. For now I'm going to email and then I'm gonna check into some stuff I need to do, hope to hear from you. Great emulator by the way, I really can't wait for the next version. PCSX2 has lost the lead programmer because the lead programmer is not interested anymore? I feel bad because that inspired me to want to have it badly by going to that site to see that emulator as well as the nintendo ds emulators up and in progress. Laserjohn... I think you should try and add particles falling from the dsemu logo when a user opens the program and the GUI - graphics user interface shows, I think an animated menu would be great. Yes you do need to make it more about the emulator and your off to a good start, keep up the good work, hope to see new creativity in the emulator as time passes. doublec How would you get a sound to work when you open the emulator, I know that probably isn't necessary but is an idea, maby something to turn off the sound when it starts up under the options, as well as by default / first time startup, can you get mmx as well as 3dnow! features in dsemu?