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  1. sorry... I just want to know if I could play with my game...Cause I would like to buy it...As I can't play with the rom I m afraid that I wont be able to play with the game...
  2. hi Here is my experience... Yesterday I try the MKDS rom with xg2005+flashme... I was afraid when I saw my ds says :"Unable to load data.Turn the power off and reinsert the Game card" I turned off the ds...she was bricked ! ! I look on google..I rapidly understood what happened (messages from november the 5th ! ): I found the way to re-flash with the new flashme (version5)... Now when I boot with the new flashme and the rom in the xg I got the same message but the ds is not "bricking"... But I tried the same with a original game in the ds port (wario), this time The game is booting...I can see the nintendo logo, hear mario sayin "here we go" with a "vrroom", and...another message, quiet different says : "The data could not be written.Please turn the power off and reinsert the Game Card"... I m in France and Mario is not out yet..But I m afraid that I won't be able to play at Mario Kart with a "flashme ds"... Can you tell me more please ! ! S.
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