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Everything posted by Sintax

  1. New version up with some bugfixes.
  2. COMPLAINTS COMPLAINTS COMPLAINTS The screen refreshing thing is a bug, but I had a hard time reproducing it. Reconnecting fixes it. The zoom will be added later. The keyboard works great compared to other apps I'm sure, you should have seen how it works before I modified it. Backspace works on some apps, some with enter. I'll add support for all those special keys later. If it is stuck at the waiting screen READ THE DAMN README
  3. Graraggh, the password is for the Win2DS server. Make sure you run it first, it helps.
  4. Here is the first release of Win2DS, it's got virtual mouse and keyboard support, and it shows a constantly-updating screenshot of your desktop on your DS. It will eventually do many more remote operations, but it works solidly for what it is now. Win2DS v0.1a Changelog: --------- v0.1a: -Fixed problem with screenshots updating and worked around another (screenshots should never stop updating now). -Fixed potential lock-up with password checking.
  5. I was stripping down wifi_lib_test and figured I'd give it out to save other people the hassle. Here is extremely basic source which does the minimum to get you connected to an AP and has a simple UDP test. I've also heavily commented it, so developers can have the essentials needed to hopefully get up and running with WiFi code quickly. Download here Everything is all set up, so a simple 'make' command to the unzipped directory should pop out an nds and gba.nds.
  6. To get the includes to work, if you're working off the test app example, you'll notice there are include paths hardcoded into the makefiles. Go to the arm9 and arm7 makefiles and change the paths to where the lib is located on your computer. There's probably a better way to do this without hardcoding, but I'm no makefile expert. ------------- Fixed my own problem because of a stupid bug
  7. Sintax

    irc client

    I thought about it, but I don't think it's possible until TCP/IP is fully implemented.
  8. I think he was using an older version of libnds, I had the same problem. InitKeys isn't used any more, and I think some of the touch code changed as well. If you're looking to build something, it's best to start your own app from scrath (use the libnds template), and just use his wifi code as an example.
  9. What a great gift
  10. I don't think I'll make a version with the lib, because this was only something I made working within the limits that I had at the time. It would be silly with the whole lib at my disposal, the closest thing that I have thought of is an actual IRC client. Sgstair has he was making one as the demo app, but I'm not sure if that's still the case. And if you're using your card as an AP, you still might be able to connect to the internet with your DS and try it out. As long as your computer and DS are connected to the net, it'll work.
  11. Well, if you insist
  12. I whipped up an IRC script so that you can use your DS to chat with (not recieve anything), because keyboards are so last week. Actually I just wanted to have the DS be able to do something with WiFi, I'm chomping at the bit here. Download the script in this archive: http://digitalatrocity.com/DS/script.zip Put it in your mIRC directory and overwrite the old one, or just copy and paste the contents if your script.ini has stuff in it already. Directions: Start mIRC. Type '/opensocket' to open the socket to listen on port 8888. (No quotes of course) Type '/setdschannel #somechannel' if you want the text to go to some other channel besides #dsirc (default) Run the WiFi demo on your DS, connect to your AP, and go to the UDP experimenter. Put the IP of your computer in and whatever message you want to send. Hit 'Send' and watch the message magically appear in IRC. Use '/closesocket' to close the socket.
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