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  1. Of course, that's none of our business to decide whether this book plagiarism or not, even we're quite sure about that Plot, character and location names were slightly changed or totally copied with no mention of "Legend of Zelda". "Agramont" case didn't make a lot of noise, 'cos "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" is nearly unknown game here. Official Nintendo representative in Russia, "Novyiy Disk", yet hasn't made any formal declarations, besides one post on Nintendo-Russia forum, where company official said that Nintendo already have been notified about this incident and they need time to make a right decision what to do next. Suppose Nintendo could get a handle on this matter without us. Don't get me wrong, I love this game, but I'm not an insane Zelda geek, and even didn't participate in creation of this site just want to inform you. Thanks.
  2. "Guards for Hyrule" against plagiarism on "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" Copy-pasted from here: Thank you for your attention!
  3. fixed by myself, anyway thanks everyone
  4. Just wondering if there any chance avoid "mixing" (dunno know better word for it, 'cause I'm not really familiar with English take a look on screenshot) rotated scanlines in vertical games? All is going well with horizontal games: stretched well, scanlines looking good, no "mixing", - but stretching vertical games make it happens. It can be fixed changing "aspect ratio" or "clean stretch" options, but then horizontal games stretched in a wrong way. PS: Yeah, I know it's working fine in newest MAME, but I'm using MAME 0.106 not official build - MAME32 Plus! Plus! Here an example of so called "mixing":
  5. This link is not working any longer... http://noleechdownloads.1emulation.com/arc...GEx4acFinal.zip
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