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Everything posted by retroK

  1. I am using GAIM on Windows, which also uses the GTK, for ages without any problems.
  2. Virtual memory? What benefit would you have from Virtual Memory and where should this "swap" space be stored?
  3. http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/2.0/releasenotes/
  4. I would agree to the above, but only for Outlook Express. Outlook (the big one) is by far better for corporate use. Firefox 2 is great (/me is using Firefox ever since the first Phoenix / Firebird versions).
  5. The best would surely be Adobe Photoshop, but its also very expensive. You should try GIMP or Paint .NET - both are free: http://www.gimp.org/ http://www.getpaint.net/
  6. The guys from Emu-France have a Fake emulator database...
  7. It shouldn't, the U.S. has allowed worse stuff to be on the shelves. Only aslong as there is no nudism involved
  8. You can always get the game via online stores etc if you want.. This only affects buying in the stores...
  9. Maybe you can simulate sound by putting in comic style speech balloons with e.g. bang, boom... j/k
  10. Thanks olaf for the amount of work you put in there.
  11. Thanks olaf! Keep up the good work. You should definately release this.
  12. This is fake, the settings window doesnt even have a button to save the changes. And the author claimed that it was written in Java - does not look Java to me (unless he is using SWT which I also doubt).
  13. DOSBox works great for old games! Just try it, you won't be disappointed...
  14. I'm 30 ...
  15. Yes its Latin. My Latin classes at school where not totally useless
  16. fists! remember doom with the berserk mode? those where the days
  17. I think they already figured that out
  18. Looking good! Thanks for all the hard work!
  19. My small Atari 2600 Collection: Before: After: Now:
  20. Also available for Windows.
  21. Well if its ace you will need the Ace archiver program... http://www.winace.com/
  22. I played the demo and it ran very smooth. It is a nice game but nothing too exiting IMHO.
  23. Carnage would not fit in a movie IMHO.
  24. Yes, you definately see Brock in the teaser!
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