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Everything posted by retroK

  1. Congratulations! I know exactly how good this feels, my site has been on German Media a couple of times.
  2. 5.1 is not secure! Here some more info: http://www.us-cert.gov/cas/techalerts/TA06-032A.html http://secunia.com/advisories/18649/ http://www.frsirt.com/english/advisories/2006/0361
  3. why do you all defend winamp? i like it too and always used it, but now i have other preferences..
  4. I switched to foobar2000 Winamp is too bloated and had a lot of security issues lately.
  5. Savestates don't work yet with Sega CD emulation IIRC.
  6. Download xpy or xp-antispy and do some of the recommend settings.
  7. Thanks for the tip! Does that version have a special name? Or would a search for "Silent Hill 1 PC" work?
  8. I'll try with PSXeven. Thanks for the tip. It lags in psX Emulator too, SSSPSX runs it almost fine.
  9. Thanks a lot! I'll try the order you mentioned. As for Silent Hill 1 (PSX) its very hard to find the correct /best settings for the GPU Plug-In. Does someone have a good config for Silent Hill?
  10. I have a question for the Silent Hill Pros here. I never played the games and want to change this. Is there a specific order in which the games should be played. I mean, are they connected?
  11. Thats sad, hopefully someone picks up the source and continues the work.
  12. Hm, maybe I should try out this µTorrent as you all seem to like it
  13. http://www.ubersite.com/m/84167 Hope this was not posted yet...
  14. The best thing is, that the cops did get no logs! The sysadmin configured the server in a way that all logs were only saved in Ram. And as the cops shut down the server all logs were gone
  15. The first version for the Playstation is great! I played it a lot. Very funny game.
  16. Bomberman will never work in 3D - dot touch it... ahhhhhhhhhhh
  17. Looks pretty cool, and ringblades have been there for a long time. Don't see a ripoff there.
  18. You could try the newcomer: pSX emulator: http://psxemulator.gazaxian.com/ It works without plug-ins and therefore is very easy to use.
  19. Bah, can't stand Jolie... her face already is too well known and sort of "outworn" (cant find a better word for it).
  20. I always use BitSpirit and like it alot: http://fileforum.betanews.com/detail/1064929835/1
  21. The new real-life Lara Croft: Thanks to Jaz from EmuTalk.
  22. Just plain crazy *g
  23. Thanks for the links
  24. Lol, from Symbian to Sybian... you're sick *g
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