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Everything posted by Blight

  1. I still don't get it... It'll be just an SD card with the CF card layout. It'll work just fine in ANY CF device. With CF software/firmware/hardware/etc. I don't see why you would need special SD software.
  2. If it works, It works 100%, so sc compatible homebrew has nothing to do with this. The only way to know is to try. I think it would work just fine.
  3. nope you can't
  4. http://www.ndshb.com/modules.php?name=Cont...showpage&pid=26 you can NOT play commerial roms on it.
  5. This is soooooo awesome but it needs autoupdating. If you could make the screen autoupdate at a reasonable speed that would be awesome. b.t.w the best interface I can think of: Full screen on the bottom screen zoomed view om the top if you move the pointer over the bottom screen you update the top screen by pressing up you switch the screens and you'll be able to click stuff L - left click + right - right click + down - reload screen start - enter select - enter keystrokes if you could do that it will be SOO awesome. and forget about the colors, more speed, less colours!
  6. be sure you got all the settings right don't use dhcp. select fixed ip from the menu. next time you have a question post the error report or something
  7. What the heck is c?s, c-s, c+s ? no idea, it doesn't matter anyway. Why is there a %rate? it's the signal strength What happens when I connect to a AP ? you connect to an AP. you can download the computer app and send little text messages to your computer. Why is there a keyboard test? It's a test program after all. sgstair wanted to know if his keyboard worked. and he found a bug in it so it was a smart move. What is Wardriving? you get in a car and go looking for wireless networks.
  8. Some Linksys WMP54G cards have the rt2500 or rt2560 chipset. but it's not quite clear which. Most of them have. I suggest you just try, http://forum.gbadev.org/viewtopic.php?t=7517
  9. A vnc client would own!
  10. Yeah, but I could've missed it, I didn't want to get banned on my first post .
  11. I noticed there were many people having problems getting the wifi_lib_test to work so I've decided to write a short faq about it. Q: The program freezes in the menu. A: You need to append a loader to the file Download ndsmall.bin from darkfaders site. here's a direct link: http://darkfader.net/ds/files/ndsmall.bin Use the command: copy /b ndsmall.bin + wifi_lib_test.nds wifi_lib_test.nds.gba to append the loader to the file. some flash cards(like the supercard) require you to rename the wifi_lib_test.nds.gba to wifi_lib_test.nds Q: Where can I get a.nds.gba version? A: Append a loader yourself, see question 1 Q: Both screens go white when I start the program. A: Just keep restarting, it will start eventually. Q: I have another problem. A: Try to append a loader, see question 1 I've noticed some homebrew apps run more stable when you append a loader. Q: I can't connect to my AP. A: A lot settings in your AP will stop you from connecting to your AP. Be sure to have 802.11b active. I had to reset my router completly to get this to work. Just try to change different settings.
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