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Everything posted by Warlord698

  1. open the .asx file in Winamp save the playlist made in Winamp as a .m3u file place new playlist on flash card play in DSOrganize
  2. ooh, testing testing, love to be testing
  3. you do understand the question right? he wasnts to know if people can get "DS #1" and "DS #2" can talk to each other from within the same network.
  4. Warlord698

    DS2Key 0.4

    he is working on it when he gets time
  5. I had already asked hi the question "The site came down suddenly, I wasn't aware of it until it happened. A new site is being put up under a new domain, as soon as it gets up I'll update everybody." your welcome
  6. I meant it just not a beta anymore, next betas could be or 1.9 beta 2...
  7. not that I know of, the 1.9 final means, It is not a beta anymore
  8. well, maybe he just wanted to do it so he could say he could do something nobody thought about yet (but that also leads into robotics)
  9. Warlord698

    Help, please

    it never said.exe it said executable, and for a DS.NDS is an executable
  10. Warlord698

    Help, please

    the DS will not phsycally connect to you PC. A GBAMP V2 or M2 simply put with Chism's firmware upgrade will run Homebrew. or a flash cart, supercard, M3, or whatever else you have that can me your DS run Homebrew apps http://www.dslinux.org/wiki/Running_Homebrew <-- the DSLinux Wiki gives a good definition for running homebrew once you run the app on the DS (DS2KEY) and set it up for the router, it will automaticly connect to the PC that is running the PC side app. just switch modes, then it will work
  11. Use a shell script. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yea, and you do know a lot of people just aren't Linux friendly, to go on top of linux takes a nice chunk of RAM itself (GBAMP users mainly) if you look through the forums on there you see DHCP crashes on a lot of people during the setup. Homebrew browser (even if it is just a text browser) gives more room to work with even with the fact that you can make settings for it like reading the WFC info. Focker out
  12. Warlord698

    Help, please

    in this order 1. run the PC app, and do whatever changes to the buttons you want, then hit the close box to minimise it to the taskbar (taskbar agent) 2.run the DS app and connect to your AP. (should say "loaded" in bottom left afterwards) 3. hi the button that looks like a seashell, or press select (gotta swithch from setup modeto imput mode) 4. play
  13. It means Chistmas has come early
  14. I can see possibility for people who run emulators on their systems to do multiplayer against each each other now
  15. sweetness, I will mess with when I get home
  16. why did you bring up a dead topic???
  17. Here is a theoreticle question, if he has the app running on multiple computers using the same port, will it controle the others?
  18. Warlord698

    DS2Key 0.4

    help us help you, where exactly are you getting problems?
  19. *has already suggested to him on changable skins*
  20. that'd be an awesome app to say the least
  21. Viva La Freedom Fries
  22. what I'm saying
  23. DS with items for homebrew, computer, router *some form of an AP*, and the lib test
  24. Passme, Passme2, Superpass, Flashme, or... and flashcart, GBAMP, M3, SC, or WiFime
  25. seeing how SuperCard of most offenly reserred to as "SC" the thought of SD would be pretty hard to come by so quickly, but the SD info is nice to know though. Except that it works in CF cameras which in turn would only use the CF Drivers needed for them.......
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