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Everything posted by Warlord698

  1. Just a suggestion, don't have it automatically select the first WFC connection, some people may have something other than their home in the first slot or if they wanna connect somewhere else that is preset, they can select the appropriate one
  2. that is why I was wonderin why it would only be SC compadible, fischju where you get your info?
  3. why only SC homebrew?
  4. he is reffering ro SGStairs WIFI Lib Test, the version in question would be.2b until he updates PointyRemote again
  5. hopefully it will be in English as well *crosses finger*
  6. OH GOD PLESE TELL ME THAT WOULD, I have more that one media and that would be awesome. could actually use diff ones for specific media (have SD for mp3 player I used before GBAMP and still use on occasion, and CF I nabbed for the GBAMP)
  7. he may have highes quality possible as well
  8. why the hell would the do that, it just raised their sales "you can do much more than play games on your DS, buy one now"
  10. hey, all I said that one time is that if you talked with the DSlinux dudes, yal could find out why WEP wasn't workin when is was on their side.
  11. hey, if WEP is in the doccumentation and people use it, everything is spectacular
  12. wifi doccumentation should be up some time today, start celebrating that your wait is done
  13. the.3 lib test is out, party, make mass carnage and great programs, the doccumentation should be up not long from now too. wooho
  14. how exactly does the e-mail check work, I have yet to been able to ues it
  15. ooh, making file to auto input sittings, I did not know that, I will enjoy it
  16. login into DSLinux then enter these commands if WEP is off ommit it iwconfig nds channel <Channel> essid <your SSID> key <wepkey> ifconfig nds up udhcpc -n -q -i nds after that enter retawq, and use the commands on the retawq page to navigate
  17. Flashme, Passme, or WifiME which depends somewhat on your DS's default firmware version
  18. I'll be glad to test, right now I have nothing but time.
  19. please dont piss of the DSWiFi god, he may leave us. all I would like to know though is HOW progress is (hard, steady, easy) and not if a lot of progress. but he does have a life other than DSWiFI, he'll update when he feels it is right.
  20. but wouldn't you be able to use the RAM on the M3 as the Program RAM, and the Cart for files, Cookies, and such
  21. the M3 would be easier than the GBAMP since it has it's cooshy bit of ram on it
  22. then how the applications of firefox could be toned down a bit, yet still be used, ending out using less RAM
  23. that note about the screwdriver doesn't re-assure me of the construction of the system much LOL
  24. he does make a good point
  25. i believe it was the firmware update, I seem to remember E15 started the troubles with homebrew and M3's but I could be wrong
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