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Everything posted by Warlord698

  1. sorry if it sounded like I was bitching, I was just addressing so things that could be done in the long run. It's looks great, and fun to work with, already messed with people while we usin computer, they thought is was breaking on them. but still, Great program
  2. keyboard could use a little more work, seeing how it is taking a while to to type this. arrow keys need to do arrow keys and not m,p,h, and k. a zoom function would be wonderful.and having the image not do the whole screen would help for moving the mouse around the edges. but most of all, having it save settings is what needs to be done first. thats all I can think of now, and great work on the program.
  3. but funny enough, I can get this onw to work
  4. keep in mind they may be a little blurry
  5. give me a little bit And I add some screens I just took
  6. Warlord698


    he got his $$$ and it at 90 now
  7. Great program, yet I do not like that the default setting for the light is having it off. I have to look for a light to put my DS under until i get to where I can switch it on again. it might be best to have it on by default.
  8. oh, dude, please accept, that would be awesome to see how fast this program could develop
  9. Dude, sweet, this is like the best thing i seen for the hollidays, well, i got a new drimmal, but it's right up there, you are a GOD
  10. X-box is also prety much a computer with different USB Ports
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