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Everything posted by corbs132

  1. i tried and failed. my computer is in control here, not me. EDIT: according to ^, im not cheating, im on a mac!
  2. +1 to works
  3. yes, and as a matter offact i got mine. it was a nano. it works like this. ou sign up, do an offer (cc reed, but free) you get 5 friends to same, but with ur link. they all need diff cc's. u get video ipod. 4 ppl gets a nano. pm me if u want the site. btw, its not easy getting people.
  4. so.... is the project dead?
  5. i think this thread is in need of a much needed bump.
  6. undillutde platinum if you can solder well, and i mean well. lets u use whatever you want
  7. i like the idea, but how about one for g6?
  8. i like it, and good news for me, i just started homebrew. can you make one for gba?
  9. my list of games Warioware touched brain age castelvania tetris mario kart nsmb bomberman and a TON of home brew
  10. can you add this station maybe? http://listenlive.grockradio.com:6040/listen.pls its my favorite local radio station
  11. Noooooooooo! I just got my g6 4g in the mail today (2st flashcart for anything ever for me) and i tried sgstair's wifi lib and it didnt work. then i tried ds2key. didnt work. they load and freeze after arm7init. im on a 1st gen silver ds, and if you can help me send an email to coincorbin10@gmail.com please! or post here... lol
  12. TRILLIAAN PORT! omg... good idea.... ability to code apps in vb on the comp and use them on the ds! heck, they did it for ppc
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