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Everything posted by dle333

  1. Thank you Agozer for your fast and exhaustive answers!
  2. Hi all. This morning i have read the whole thread, but now i have some questions: 1. There are 2 sets of samsh5sp, encrypted and decrypted, right? 2. Wich one is the best? I mean, the most similar to the original game in arcade machines... 3. What are actually the best dats for both encrypted and decrypted set? 4. Can someone post the "best" dat? 5. Are the "fatalities" enabled by default or the roms with them enabled are "hacked"? 6. If fatalities are sort of hacks, how can i enable them? I need uni-bios? 7. I use Nebula 2.25 with loader, can i run both sets without problem? 8. In the dat the first string is "System: NEO", there are some differences if "neo" is in lower case? That's all, for now... Thanks in advance and sorry for my bad english...
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