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Everything posted by MaHe

  1. MaHe


    Alias-Zero, what's the matter? Why did you bring your site down?
  2. Wrong. It sort of "emulates" the CF, so there's absolutely no need for SD compatible homebrew.
  3. Let's see. DS' wireless is only 2Mbit. And you'd have to change the way it works, since currently it's using a plain screenshot method. It's a no-go. Sorry.
  4. Thanks, I love your work
  5. I'd like to use both - Win2DS AND Bafio's WiFi Transfer. They already rock separated, but I'd really like to use them in a one killing combination The problem is one: Both applications are using 8888 as the default port. How could I change that? I tried hex-editing them both, but neither worked...
  6. Ever heard of www.bottledlight.com/ds/ ?
  7. About the server. Port a server application to DSLinux. It should work then.
  8. MaHe

    Win2DS v0.3

    Yup. That's a major bug. Until it's fixed, Win2DS can't work.
  9. In my opinion, an IRC client with file transfer support is the best idea. Lie down in your bed, connect to FServe, download the newest Futurama episode, while it's downloading chat with your friends... I'll TRY to code something like that myself
  10. 1. Go to network connections and make a bridge connection (select both your WiFi card and your ethernet card and click Bridge Connections). 2. Make sure you aren't using a MAC blacklist.
  11. Sorry, but I HAVE to complain. This damn keyboard is so friggin' messed up I can't even press a number. I press 9 and it outputs SHIFT. WHAT THE HELL?! Nr. 1 - 5 simply won't work. So I can't really even (can't enter the damn IP) try out this although promising application. Sorry. BTW, yes, I have calibrated my touchscreen at least three times, okay?
  12. Heh why does that have to be a typo? My windows install is on D: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, but he used C: once and then D: once.
  13. You're my HERO! Finally I can use both, WMB and SoftAP at the same time! EDIT: You made a small typo. You're probably using C:, not D:.
  14. MaHe

    irc client

    You never really checked out www.akkit.org/dswifi, did you?
  15. He is. And is kinda helpful. Don't be afraid to ask.
  16. I doubt there's a RC controlled car that uses 2,4Ghz to control. You should buy yourself a DS DevKit from dspassme.com, a RC controlled car from a toy store, flash the DS with passme and GBAmp and then disassemble RC controller, solder it to PassME and write an application to control the car. EDIT: Check out natrium42.com for some of his PassME modding projects done so far. He could also help you
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