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Everything posted by zack

  1. I realized that when I found myself clueless as to getting it to work =D so, there are no updated cheat.dats or even manual codes for em?
  2. this is unrelated, but that flash game you have on your site is awesome, Agozer. 10209 was my best score. dunno where that stands. anyway, if you say those bios work for everything, i'll give it a try..
  3. well, unless I am mistaken, that universal bios thing is for kawaks, no?
  4. like I said, I use Mame =/
  5. heya guys... I did a search as well as went threough 7 pages of topics on this board...no luck. anyway, I am looking mainly for cheats for svcc.zip, but if there are cheats for kof2k2, I'll take those too please. oh and while I am here, anyone know if there is a patch that fixes practice mode? by that, I mean select not working and bosses not being available. (these two for svcc) thanks ina dvance.
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