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Everything posted by DeathGodX

  1. please join: [Link Removed] - Diso
  2. http://s15.invisionfree.com/DGXRevolution/ thanx to any1 who joins
  3. -____- just like daffy
  4. rofl i said the same thing the japanese 1 soundz tons better
  5. well i know this is a gaming forum but alot of ppl have seen bleach i was lookin for some clips and ran into that http://www.youtube.com/?v=eXIKO1bEJ-k tell me wut ya think
  6. http://www.youtube.com/?v=LMx63BQpVQg http://www.youtube.com/?v=DpgqvtUG0rM http://www.youtube.com/?v=AO1lHTABH1U heres another about the bear last 3 i can find
  7. this clip is hilarius i even teared laughing so hard http://www.youtube.com/?v=oE6YwpvPOY4
  8. Please rate the sigz below 1 - 10 please tell me wut to work on.
  9. oooo kool rocky was one of fav movie series hope it has some kool boxing ----off topic----- isnt there a new rambo 1 comming out as well
  10. ive heard that too hope it is true then i can get easily
  11. merry xmas to all oooooo tamales ^__^
  12. -URL removed- here is another site that need ppl plz help me out and thanx for telling me ill change in a bit Agozer's edit: After talking with GameCop about this, we can't allow you to posts links to this board, since it offer links to rom images (yes, even though you specify to only ask roms for games that one owns).
  13. hello all can you guys please help out my site we need new members thanx in advance -URL removed.- Agozer's edit: After talking with GameCop about this, we can't allow you to posts links to this board, since it offer links to rom images (yes, even though you specify to only ask roms for games that one owns).
  14. Hence why I'm always reading manga after seeing the complete anime (in this case, I haven't read the Bleach manga at all). <{POST_SNAPBACK}> lol u should read the magna im like OMG so many shockers but the anime will soon be there so not sure if u want to there some kools thing happening but not gonna say becuz it will spoil it for every1 who just watches the anime
  15. $160 a gold watch and so far thats all -___-
  16. oooooooooooooooo ok hm... i guess that would be daddy yankee with the gasolina(because after that song he went big)
  17. then wut do u mean by one hit wonder ????
  18. guess this mean your fav song well mine would have to be Through the night (outlaw star theme)
  19. the reason i want the 360 is for the game called Saints Row that game is gonna be awesome so i really want to play it probably better that gta
  20. wwwooooo best multiplayer game ever played any1 ever played and if u have who is you fav character and boss also spirit summon mine would be fav character/ kratos fav boss/ abbyssion fav ss/ efreet
  21. this game lloks kool im getting it 2morrow has any1 played it if so wut do u think of it
  22. damn thats far im in NY ------ on topic----- we have many svr 06 here
  23. 0___0 -------------off topic-------------- where do u live becuz im searchin everywhere for a 360
  24. bleach is the best anime i have seen to this day and it just gets better and better then magna is gettin me so nrevous (so many shockers) the anime is kool but it feelz like i already saw the episode by readin the manga but its kool to watch it animated
  25. i also like my meat medium rare medium rare all they way
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